I have an OBi202 at a vacation home that I rarely use. After arriving this week, I updated the firmware, and used it to place outbound call with no problem.
On receiving phone calls, however, only cell phone rings.
SP1 is wife's GV account, and rings line 1
SP2 is my GV account, and rings line 2
When I call either GV number (from any number of outside lines), neither line rings - yet both work just fine for making calls.
Both GV accounts have multiple 202 boxes connected to them (home, camper, and vacation home), and I've only noticed this problem with this box.
I've deleted the accounts on the box, and set them up new, and still inbound calls no longer ring.
With the GV interface having changed, I no longer see the Google Talk option under forwarded phones - though since it appears to be working on my other 202 boxes, I'm guessing it's not a GV setting.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
The Google Chat setting, along with many other settings that haven't migrated over to the new user interface, is on the "Legacy" version of the user interface (the old web page). If you're on the new user interface, click the three-bar, "hamburger" icon in the upper left corner of the web page, then scroll down to the bottom of the left side, and click the Legacy link.
However, that's not your problem. It's more likely that there is some other issue, given that the other two OBi's work fine.
Typically, when you can make outbound calls, but not receive inbound calls, your OBi is either authorized to the wrong Google account(s), or the authorization got deleted somehow. You said you deleted the accounts and set it up again, but it didn't work.
I suggest taking the OBi home with you, and plugging it into the same LAN as your working OBi. Make a call to one of the GV numbers from some other telephone number, not one of your Google Voice numbers, and not from your forwarding cell phone number(s).
The phones attached to both OBi's should ring. Do that test and report back.
Thanks Steve. Home is 700 miles from here, and we won't be leaving the cabin for another three weeks. I'll try resetting the 202 and starting from scratch. I'll report back. Thanks for your detailed reply.
If you want to start over, I'd recommend
really starting over:
- Log into the OBiTALK web portal, and click on the cabin's OBi, and on the next page, click on "Delete device". Confirm, and then watch and wait while it remotely resets and reboots the OBi.
- After this is done, you can (probably redundantly) perform a "restore to factory defaults" on the device by picking up the attached phone and keying ***8 then 1.
- After doing that, re-add the device to the OBiTALK dashboard using the **5 procedure, and then set up the Google Voice accounts, one at a time.
- Be very careful to first log into your desired Google account in one web browser tab and confirm that it holds the working Google Voice number (Get into the "Legacy Google Voice" view and make sure you see the exact two words "Your number" on the left side of the Settings page).
- Leaving that browser tab open, press Ctrl-T to open another browser tab, and sign into OBiTALK and then set up Google Voice. When it asks you to confirm setting up Google Voice, look carefully at the Gmail address it displays, to make sure you are associating to the correct account.
- After you finish the first GV SPx, then see if it can receive a call. If so, then log out of the Google account in the other browser tab, and log into your second Google account, and repeat the process for the next SPx.
We have a 50% success rate! I followed your instructions verbatim. I ended up with SP1 configured with my GV number, and upon testing, it worked - the OBI202 rang on the appropriate line.
I then logged out of my GV account, and into the wife's, and repeated the steps. I confirmed in the legacy GV that the "your number" was in fact her GV number, and after adding the GV account to the OBi device, it showed her gmail email address. However, calling that GV number rings only her cell phone (and the hangouts portion of Gmail on an open browser on the PC).
So frigging frustrating. Think I should wipe it again and this time start with her number first to see if it'll work only with hers?
Huge egg on my face for wife's phone not ringing. I just told her "I cannot figure out whey your obi line won't ring when I call it from my number, but mine rings when I call it from yours."
She replied, "it hasn't been ringing for my line at home for quite some time either..."
Doh... I didn't notice, and since she never said anything I just assumed people were calling her cell directly. Knowing that neither the vacation home or main home obi202s ring for her, I logged into her GV legacy again and checked the phones...
Sure enough, her Google Chat checkbox was UNchecked... Go figure. She never goes into those settings, and I certainly wouldn't have unchecked that intentionally.
Anyway, I checked it, and immediately her line starts ringing.
Thanks for your help Steve...
Quote from: erkme73 on February 23, 2017, 04:56:27 PM
Huge egg on my face for wife's phone not ringing. I just told her "I cannot figure out whey your obi line won't ring when I call it from my number, but mine rings when I call it from yours."
She replied, "it hasn't been ringing for my line at home for quite some time either..."
Doh... I didn't notice, and since she never said anything I just assumed people were calling her cell directly. Knowing that neither the vacation home or main home obi202s ring for her, I logged into her GV legacy again and checked the phones...
Sure enough, her Google Chat checkbox was UNchecked... Go figure. She never goes into those settings, and I certainly wouldn't have unchecked that intentionally.
Anyway, I checked it, and immediately her line starts ringing.
Thanks for your help Steve...
Heh heh heh! While I was reading your reply just above this one (the 50% success), I said to myself,
"he doesn't have Chat check-marked."
I'm glad we got this sorted out. Enjoy your cabin-time, and here's your virtual dope-slap!
Hi Steve. I am having the problem on the phones attached to the Obi202 only ringing sometimes. I have also been getting the "number you dialed has not received a response from the service provider" on the phone as well when dialing out. I have tried to follow your instructions but I cannot find a "chat" box to check. Any other assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Quote from: Lincoln on August 20, 2018, 10:49:04 AM
Hi Steve. I am having the problem on the phones attached to the Obi202 only ringing sometimes. I have also been getting the "number you dialed has not received a response from the service provider" on the phone as well when dialing out. I have tried to follow your instructions but I cannot find a "chat" box to check. Any other assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Google Chat is dead and gone. There is no longer a "chat" box to tick. However under Legacy Google Voice, Settings, Phones you should see "Obitalk device" and the 9 digit number on the bottom of your 202.
I do not see a reference to Obitalk.
Be very careful to first sign in to your Google account on one tab of the web browser and confirm that it contains the Google Voice work number (enter the "Google Voice Heritage" mode and make sure that you see the exact two words "Your number" on the left side of the settings page).
Leave the browser tab open, press Ctrl-T to open another browser tab, and enter OBiTALK, and then set up Google Voice. When he asks you to confirm the Google Voice setting, look carefully at the Gmail address that he displays to make sure that you are linking the correct account.
Also go here (http://top10pillows.com/best-memory-foam-pillow/)