Can someone help to convert these Grandstream Brasil tones to Obi110 standard?
Thank You!
This is my first time modifying tone settings. Hopefully I got these correct. I don't see where the Disconnect tone is defined on the OBi110.
Tone Settings -> Tone Profile A
Dial Tone 425-10;20
Ringback Tone 425-10;-1;(1+4)
Busy Tone 425-10;10;(.25+.25)
Reorder Tone 425-10;10;(.25+.25)
The Disconnect tone are located at Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> PSTN Disconnect Detection -> DisconnectTonePattern.
Can you help me with these too?
Disconnect Tone 425-10;10;(.25+.25)
Same as Reorder
Thats true.
I will test and report back.
This is what I did:
I changed the frequency to 425-10.
The OBi110 has a combination of 2 frequencies.
Your example has the 2nd frequency as zero.
I assume this means it's no used, so I didn't include a 2nd.
Your example doesn't include a tone duration, so I keep them at default.
Dial at 20 seconds. Busy and Reorder at 10 seconds.
-1 for Ringback means ring forever.
I changed the cadence as specified in example.
Hi again.
I am experiencing some calls get disconnect when user is talking (using PSTN call to make the call).
The call is terminated without reason.
Can some tone be wrong or how can I debug?