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General Support => Installation and Set-Up (Devices) => Topic started by: MBrown on June 22, 2015, 02:06:43 AM

Title: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on June 22, 2015, 02:06:43 AM

I am looking for a way to extend two analogue lines over a ip network, i am thinking i can do it with some obi's but would like to confirm before i tell my friend to buy some.

There is a small office that is only connected to the main building by WIFI they need a couple of extensions in the office off the main phone system. The Phone system only supports analogue phones. My idea was to have two obi's at the phone system side (side a) and cable two extensions into the OBI110 on its PSTN port, have one OBI220 in the small remote office with two analogue  phones.

My questions are:

Can i set the OBI up in such a way the when an inbound call arrives on the OBI PSTN port (side a) it will ring a designated analogue phone the other side of the bridge (side b)

Can i set the analogue phone to "hotline" when i pick up the handset on side b I am presented with the analogue dial tone from the pstn line on side a.
Or failing that just dial a short access code to route to the side a pstn line.

I am thinking i will need two OBI110 for side a to provide the two PSTN ports and one OBI 202 for side b to provide the two analogue phone ports. Can some one please confirm if this will work?

Many thanks advance for any help you can provide.


Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: azrobert on June 22, 2015, 07:05:53 AM
Yes, it can be done as you describe with a hotline or code to get dial tone on a PSTN line and routing inbound calls. I think a better way is to get dial tone from the OBi202 and then route any outbound call to one of the OBi110s. This way you wouldn't have to wait to get dial tone from the OBi110. You would also be able to use a phone book on the analog phone's handset or pre-dial a number and then press send.
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on June 22, 2015, 07:16:24 AM
Thanks azrobert

I have ordered a 202 and 110, i will post here how i get on.
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: azrobert on June 22, 2015, 08:56:11 AM
Below is my recommended configuration.
I did not test any of this and hopefully I didn't make any mistakes.


Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A SIP -> ProxyServer:
Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A General -> DigitMap:

Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> AuthUserName: OBi202
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_RegisterEnable: unchecked
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_InboundCallRoute:

Physical Interfaces -> Phone1 Port -> OutboundCallRoute:

Physical Interfaces -> Phone2 Port -> OutboundCallRoute:


Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A SIP -> ProxyServer:
Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A SIP -> X_SpoofCallerID: Checked
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> AuthUserName: OBi110a
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_RegisterEnable: unchecked
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_InboundCallRoute:

Physical Interfaces -> Line Port -> InboundCallRoute: sp1(0)


Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A SIP -> ProxyServer:
Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A SIP -> X_SpoofCallerID: Checked
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> AuthUserName: OBi110b
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_RegisterEnable: unchecked
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_InboundCallRoute:

Physical Interfaces -> Line Port -> InboundCallRoute: sp1(0)

aa.aa.aa.aa is the IP address of OBi110a is the IP address of OBi110b is the IP address of OBi202

OBi202 Phone1 port will route outbound calls to OBi110a
OBi202 Phone2 port will route outbound calls to OBi110b
Dial "0" to get dial tone on the respective OBi110 PSTN line
Any other number will be routed out the PSTN line.
Inbound calls on OBi110a will be routed to OBi202 Phone1
Inbound calls on OBi110b will be routed to OBi202 Phone2
Dial # on either OBi202 phone port to ring other phone port
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on June 25, 2015, 12:48:04 AM
@azrobert - Thanks for this very much appreciated. Its exactly what i want to create.
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on June 30, 2015, 12:19:20 AM
Just to say that the above set up worked perfectly thanks a lot.

One more question.....

If i wanted to have a hotline from the two analogue phones on the obi202 to the "trunks" on the obi 110's rather than pressing "0" how would i do that?

Thanks again

Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: azrobert on June 30, 2015, 05:38:21 AM
Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A General -> DigitMap:

I changed 0 to <S3:0>
The OBi202 will automatically dial zero if nothing is entered after 3 seconds
You could use S0 and the OBi202 will immediately dial zero, but then you wouldn't be able to dial a number
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on June 30, 2015, 05:44:32 AM
Thanks I will give that a go tonight
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on June 30, 2015, 09:59:52 AM
just tried:

Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A General -> DigitMap:

and when i get dial tone after 3 seconds it dials nothing? even tried S0 and it never dialled zero am i missing something?


Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: azrobert on June 30, 2015, 11:39:58 AM
Remove <S3:0>| from the ITSP A DigitMap

Physical Interfaces -> Phone1/2 Port -> DigitMap
Add <S3:0>| AFTER the beginning parenthesis

I just learned something today.
The hotkey has to go into the Phone DigitMap.
The last rule in the Phone Port DigitMap (Mpli) points to the Primary (ITSP A) DigitMap, so the ITSP A DigitMap rules are included with the Phone DigitMap rules.
I would think this would work, but it doesn't.
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on July 07, 2015, 07:21:13 AM
Many thanks for this it worked perfectly.

Thanks Again

Marc Brown
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on July 22, 2015, 07:50:24 AM
Ok one more question, It has come to light that the users cannot use a recall feature on the phone system to pick a call ringing on another phone as the obi recognises the pressing of recall. Is there any way of getting the obi to ignore recall and just pass it through ? I suspect it cant be done but thought i would ask.

So to be clear the user picks up the phone on the obi 202 it hotlines to the analogue dial tone on the phone system they then need to dial recall,*,XX to access a system feature from the analogue extension. But as soon as you press recall you lose the line.


Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: azrobert on July 22, 2015, 09:28:57 AM
What is the "Recall" key?
Is it a special key on your handset?
After you get dial tone, the OBi should not interfere.
The only exception that I know is the Flash key.
Is the Recall key the equivalent to the Flash key?
Anyway, I don't know how to fix this problem.

What phone is receiving the call?
Who is trying to pick up the call?
You can transfer an unanswered call after a specified number of rings.
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: drgeoff on July 22, 2015, 10:59:26 AM

Hook_flash (USA) = Recall (UK).

My 110 and 1032 have an option under Phone of  HookFlashHandling which can be set to "Handle Hook Flash Locally" or "Send Hook Flash to PSTN".  I cannot find such option on an Obi100 which suggests that OBis have no way to transport a Hook_Flash event over a VoIP connection.

(BTW. My 1032 has an OBiLINE attached.  Even after unplugging that, rebooting or power cycling the phone the 'Line Interfaces/Line 1 Port' menu is still present.  I didn't go as far as resetting the 1032. I'm not certain but I think the Line 1 Port menu did not appear before the OBiLINE was first plugged in.)
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on July 23, 2015, 12:28:18 AM
Thanks for the reply, the issue is specifically with passing time break recall: BREAK RECALL

the users that are sitting off the obi's are just using POTS

the issue they have is they would like to alerted when a incoming call isn't answered by reception and overflows to a bell.

My idea was get another couple of obi's wire one 110 in parallel with the bell and stick another 220 the far end with a phone so when the bell rings the phone at the far end rings also.

The users would then know there is a call that needs picking up. All of that would work but they cant pick up the call because the Nortel system they use requires pressing recall before the feature code (pick up code).

If there is no way round it i will have to think of something else!

Thanks for your input

Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: azrobert on July 23, 2015, 07:29:42 AM
I don't know any way to send the recall signal over a network.

If you can connect an OBi110 in parallel with the Bell then the Bell has its own line. Have you ever tried to answer a call sent to the bell with a phone connected in parallel with the Bell? If this works you can connect an OBi110 in parallel with the Bell then send the call to both phone ports on the current OBi202. You can give these calls a distinctive ring, so they would know these are overflow calls.
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on July 23, 2015, 07:43:28 AM
That's not a bad idea, present the calls to the phone(s) on the 202 with a different ring so they can differentiate between direct calls and main number unanswered calls.

Let me have a think about this, i will probably have more questions.

Massive thanks to you for your help its much appreciated.

Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: azrobert on July 23, 2015, 08:20:38 AM
The distinctive ring is defined on a trunk, so you have to send these calls to SP2.


Service Providers -> ITSP Profile B SIP -> ProxyServer:

Voice Services -> SP2 Service -> AuthUserName: OBi202
Voice Services -> SP2 Service -> X_RegisterEnable: unchecked
Voice Services -> SP2 Service -> X_ServProvProfile: B
Voice Services -> SP2 Service -> X_InboundCallRoute: ph,ph2   (default)
Voice Services -> SP2 Service -> X_DefaultRing: 3
3=double ring, 2= triple ring


Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A SIP -> ProxyServer:
Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A SIP -> ProxyServerPort: 5061
Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A SIP -> X_SpoofCallerID: Checked

Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> AuthUserName: OBi110c
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_RegisterEnable: unchecked

Physical Interfaces -> Line Port -> InboundCallRoute: sp1(0)
Title: Re: Question Regarding OBI as a analogue bridge
Post by: MBrown on July 23, 2015, 08:25:21 AM
@azrobert - Top man,

if your not employed by OBi you should be! :)

Will order another OBi and give this a try

