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GV on Obi

Started by garretn, October 28, 2012, 01:48:25 PM

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I purchased my Obi early today and have been unsuccessful getting it to connect with GV.  Status Backing Off.

I have port forwarding for port 10000 pointing to the IP of the Obi. I don't block any outbound traffic.  User name and pwd for GV is correct I am able to login and make calls from the site.  I can make a Obi to Obi call from my home phone to my obi cell phone app but not the other direction from cell to home (doesn't ring).

Any suggestions on how to make this function?  I have updated the firmware as well


See if your router has an ALG setting. If it does you may need to disable it. Time and time again, I've seen it break voip.
Owner of the 1st OBi110/100 units in service in Canada & South America. 1st OBi202 on my street. 1st OBi1032 in Montreal.


As far as I can tell I don't have settings for ALG on the firewall.

This is pretty frustrating since this seems like a very easy setup that doesn't work.  I have defaulted the device and started over and get the same results "Backing Off"
I did see it showing Connecting to but came back and failed.

I have read the directions online several times but must be missing something..


Quote from: garretn on October 28, 2012, 04:05:04 PM
  I have defaulted the device and started over and get the same results "Backing Off"

This is usually a problem with the credentials you are using. Are you using a regular gmail acct?
Owner of the 1st OBi110/100 units in service in Canada & South America. 1st OBi202 on my street. 1st OBi1032 in Montreal.


Yes and I have had GV for years. 



What is the model name/model of the router?
Owner of the 1st OBi110/100 units in service in Canada & South America. 1st OBi202 on my street. 1st OBi1032 in Montreal.


I use a Smoothwall server I don't have a hardware router.


I don't know if this is similar to your version. It might give you some ideas. (I considered at one time to use Smoothwall)

Read down to this section. It might help.
Configuring the SIP Proxy

"Select to run SIP proxy service in transparent mode."
Owner of the 1st OBi110/100 units in service in Canada & South America. 1st OBi202 on my street. 1st OBi1032 in Montreal.


I'm Not sure if this is the exact same version but close enough.  I configured the SIP Proxy and it still wont connect.

Just to be clear it appears the only port I have to forward on the OBI is port 10000?

I have used Smoothwall for years and love it.  Not that it matters but I currently use Vonage for my phone service and it seems to work just fine with my firewall.

My ISP shouldn't be blocking anything since this is a business account with a static IP address.

Thank you for the help I suppose I will give support a call and see if they have any ideas on what to do next.  



Here are two references regarding ports to forward in the OBi FAQ which might be of interest:

I cannot add my device to OBiTALK after dialing **5 xxxx
Make sure the firmware is up to date. To check, pick up the phone connected to the OBi and dial ***6.
1. Have you been able to do **9 222 222 222
2. Is the power light blinking green or steady green (check your IP address) . fix it by making sure it is connected to a router, not modem, and Ethernet cable snuggly fit, check the router Ethernet light, is it blinking?
3. Are you using Westell or other router that blocks some ports?
If yes, here is how to configure the router to allow this **5 process to go through.
Allow Outgoing:
TCP Ports: 6800, 5222, 5223
UDP Ports: 5060, 5061, 10000 to 11000, 16600 to 16998, 19305
Allow Incoming on UDP Port: 10000

What ports should I keep open on my router/firewall?
In order for your OBi to be able to send packets w/o interruption, please configure your router as follows:

Allow Outgoing:
TCP Ports: 6800, 5222, 5223
UDP Ports: 5060, 5061, 10000 to 11000, 16600 to 16998, 19305
Allow Incoming on UDP Port: 10000
Owner of the 1st OBi110/100 units in service in Canada & South America. 1st OBi202 on my street. 1st OBi1032 in Montreal.



I posted a message on the smoothwall forum and a person came back with the same thing setting the SIP proxy up.   He indicated that it might have issues running in transparent mode do you by chance know how to tell it where the proxy server is?

FYI.  I configured Obi with the static IP address and placed it directly on the internet and it configured so the issue has to be with the Smoothwall blocking something.


Lifted from

garretn wrote:
Does anyone know the setup to make this device register with Google Voice service behind Smoothwall? Works fine if installed directly to the internet but will not function behind Smoothwall.

SmoothGuru wrote:
Try enabling the SIP Proxy (under 'Services') and tell the device to use the proxy at your smoothie's GREEN IP address. As an alternative, you may get lucky and find that 'transparent' mode works and you don't need to change the device's config to deal with the proxy.

Based on that reply, I think this is what you need to do. Try it with 'transparent' mode' on/off. It seems that either setting may have a chance of working.
ITSP Profile X->SIP->ProxyServer = ip of smoothwall (GREEN IP address?)
ITSP Profile X->SIP->OutboundProxy = ip of smoothwall (GREEN IP address?)

Another idea:
Using VoIP with SmoothWall
Owner of the 1st OBi110/100 units in service in Canada & South America. 1st OBi202 on my street. 1st OBi1032 in Montreal.



From the misery loves company dept:
Obihai OBi110 Google Voice Issues
Owner of the 1st OBi110/100 units in service in Canada & South America. 1st OBi202 on my street. 1st OBi1032 in Montreal.