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URGENT - Help needed with DigitMap !

Started by sidlog, March 06, 2014, 05:09:44 AM

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Hello all,

Could someone let me know where to find the basic explanation how to setup the DigitMap for Obi products or alternatively to help me with the below ?

What I am looking for is to have a DigitMap code that will allow me dialing only to LANDLINE numbers from couple of countries. The country codes are +7, +1, +972, +45, +33, +32, +31,
I have clear indication how the landline numbers for these countries look like (number of digits, etc.), so I guess it would be possible to code the access to only these sequences.

Is there anyone that can help me with this ?

My email address

Thank you in advance !


That should be fairly simple.  For example:


- Allow calls beginning with 7 and followed by 7 digits.
- Allow calls beginning with 1, followed by 2-9, two digits, 2-9, and six more digits.
- Allow calls beginning with 972 or 45, followed by eight more digits.

Does that help?


Hi Mango,

Many thanks for your reply.

If I follow the logics you provided, could you please check if the following is correct:

- Code 7: Russian numbers always consist of 10 digits. Cell phone numbers always start with 9. So if I want to block cell phones there, the script would be: (7[1-8]xxxxxxxxxS0), right ?
- Code 972: Israeli fixed numbers consist of  8 digits, including area code (1 digit) and Voip of 9 digits where the first one is always 7. So if I want to allow fixed and Voip numbers and to block the cell phones (always begin with 5) the script  would be: (972[(1-4)|6|(8-9)]xxxxxxxS0|972[7]xxxxxxxxS0)
- Code 31: Netherlands: fixed numbers consist of 9 digits including the area code. Cell phones begin with 6 and also 9 digits in total. So if I block the cell phones, the script: (31[(1-5)|(7-9)]xxxxxxxxS0)

So the overall script for the 3 countries above will be:

Is this correct ?

Please correct if needed. Explanations are more than welcome  :)

Thank you,


First sequence looks good.

Quote from: sidlog on March 06, 2014, 11:37:14 AM- Code 972: Israeli fixed numbers consist of  8 digits, including area code (1 digit) and Voip of 9 digits where the first one is always 7. So if I want to allow fixed and Voip numbers and to block the cell phones (always begin with 5) the script  would be: (972[(1-4)|6|(8-9)]xxxxxxxS0|972[7]xxxxxxxxS0)

That might work; I would write it like this:


Quote from: sidlog on March 06, 2014, 11:37:14 AM- Code 31: Netherlands: fixed numbers consist of 9 digits including the area code. Cell phones begin with 6 and also 9 digits in total. So if I block the cell phones, the script: (31[(1-5)|(7-9)]xxxxxxxxS0)

Again that might work, (I haven't tested parentheses inside brackets) but my guess would be this:


Let me know how those work.


Hello again, Mango and thank you for your support.

Before I test the entire script, one more question: currently when I dial abroad before the country code I dial 00. How do I integrate it into script ?

For trial I simply added 00 for example : (0031[(1-5)|(7-9)]xxxxxxxxS0) and tested it. This resulted in two things:
(1)   I was able to call to number (within country code 31) except for those start with 6 (cell phone) which is exectly what I wanted to prevent, so it is great.
(2)   I could call to number that do not start with a country code 31... For example to code 7 (Russia), 1 (USA), etc.

My default script is (1xxxxxxxxxx|<1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|011xx.|xx.|(Mipd)|[^*#]@@.)

Any thoughts ?



With the default DigitMap, calls to Russia and USA would certainly be possible.

If you try a DigitMap of simply: (0031[1-57-9]xxxxxxxxS0) does it work the way you want?

If that doesn't work, also set your PHONE Port OutboundCallRoute to:


Replace sp1 with the actual trunk that you want to use.


Hi Mango,

Unfortunately (0031[1-57-9]xxxxxxxxS0) does not work the way I want...

But now I wonder wheterh the DigitMap you suggested me to chnage needs to be modified under

Service Providers --> ITSP Profile A --> General --> DigitMap

or under

Physical Interfaces --> PHONE Port --> DigitMap

Because the changes I tried to apply were under Service providers...

Please advise,



Hi Mango,

Unfortunately (0031[1-57-9]xxxxxxxxS0) does not work the way I want...

But now I wonder wheterh the DigitMap you suggested me to chnage needs to be modified under

Service Providers --> ITSP Profile A --> General --> DigitMap

or under

Physical Interfaces --> PHONE Port --> DigitMap

Because the changes I tried to apply were under Service providers...

Please advise,



I would set:
ITSP Profile A DigitMap: (0031[1-57-9]xxxxxxxxS0)

PHONE Port DigitMap: (Msp1)
PHONE Port OutboundCallRoute: {(Msp1):sp1}

Replace sp1 with the actual trunk that you want to use.


Hi Mango,

I followed your recommendation.

Unfortunatelly, nothing worked. I even didn't got a dialing tone...

Could you contact me on my email address ? I sent you an eamil yesterday with my contact details.

Thank you,


The settings I suggested shouldn't affect your dial tone.  If what I suggested didn't work, I'm sorry I don't have any more ideas.  Perhaps someone else will be able to give you some other suggestions.

Good luck,



I'm assuming that your Primary Line is SP1 Service. Also, that you wish your local and international calls to both use sp1.

Put your Phone Port DigitMap and Phone Port OutboundCallRoute back to their default settings. Then change this:

Service Providers > ITSP Profile A > General > DigitMap:


Hello ianobi,

Many thanks. Looks like it works, but there is a small problem.

When I change the settings according your recommendation, for some reason, after a single call (where the system blocks the not-allowed number), the digitmap setting goes back to default (the modified digitmap you proposed basically goes back to default...). Obviously I reboot the system and followed the instructions, but still the digitmap you propose does not "stick".

Could you suggest what the problem might be here ?



Make changes via the OBi Expert Configuration pages. From your OBi Dashboard, click on your OBi number and follow the prompts to get there. To change a value uncheck both boxes to the right of the value and leave them unchecked. After changing the values on one page, press submit at the bottom of the page and wait a few minutes for the OBi to reboot.


Hi ianobi,

I did everything you advised.

system works very well. I rested specifically the script to allow the calls to landlines to Netherlands (31).

HOWEVER, after couple of successfully denied calls to cell phones, the system default DigitMap popes up back under the settings. HOW CAN THIS BE ?

Is it possible that couple of calls after another resents the DigitMap to the default  ?

Is there maybe a sequence of digits that once preset reset the DigitMap to the default ?




Are you sure that you are entering the OBi Expert Configuration via the OBi Dashboard and not directly? The steps are:

In OBi Dashboard click on your OBi number > Device Configuration Page - click on "OBi Expert Configuration" > click "OK" when asked if you want to go to OBi Expert Configuration > click Enter OBi Expert when you get to OBi Expert Configuration Menu. Next find:
Service Providers > ITSP Profile A > General > DigitMap
Uncheck both the boxes to the right of it and leave them unchecked.
Make the changes. Press submit at the bottom of the page and wait a few minutes. The OBi should reboot itself.

The problem is to do with how you are making the changes (this is a big subject!). The problem is nothing to do with the digit maps or making calls.


Hello ianobi,

Thank you so much !

It works. Apparently I was not using the right menu. Thanks for pointing this out.

Another question if I may - the current calling plan I have allows me to call 1000 minutes for landlines and 200 minutes to cell phones. When I reach that limit the prices go up.

Obviously I would like to limit this.

Could you please let me know if Obi is having the functionality of counting the time I speak per month and resent at the end of the month ?

If so, could you please guide me how to do that ?

Thank you in advance,




There is no automatic way to do what you want. The OBi keeps a log of the past 200 or 400 calls (depending on model) in Status > Call History, so you would have to look through that. It can be downloaded as an xml file and some users have written conversion programs such as:

Status > Call History is only available via your web browser address, not via the OBiTALK portal.


Thank you again.

Is it possible than to limit a call duration for X minutes ?


Not for normal calls. Some phones will display how long the call has been in progress, but this is not a function of an OBi.