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which product works with no router or modem

Started by cheri, June 19, 2018, 10:51:39 PM

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Hello, hope this is in the right section. I have been forced to go with wifi only at my apartment. They took my modem away yesterday. I am not allowed to use a router. I can use OBi devices if i register them with my new wifi service. My question is, which OBi product should i buy that will work with google voice and plug directly into the one ethernet wall port they have allowed me?  I used to have the OBi100 plugged into my router, with my google voice number, and land line phones.  It was amazing and worked for years.  I know i can't use the OBi100 anymore, and now i have no router or modem.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated as to which product will work for me.


Are you on house arrest?
the obi100 can still work using some Simonics GVGW


Oh, don't get me started on this apartment complex.  I will deal with them and their communism when my lease is up and i am out of here.  Unfortunately, wifi packages with no opting out is getting popular all over the county i live in.

I have Simonics, and it was a blessing all this time, but no longer seems to be working.  :-(

Thank you so much for the reply. 


You're a little confused - that's not communism, it's Capitalism as in free market, free to _ _ _ _ you over if there are no competitors.

are you on the Simonics Beta?


LOL, I actually have no problem with capitalism, and a company has the right to do what they want, but not until the current lease, or contract has ended.  And we do have several choices where i live, but i guess apartment complexes can take my choices away.

I paid for Simonics last year, so i don't think i am on Beta, if that is what you mean?


If as you say you have an Ethernet jack available to you, why can't you use a router? 


they said it's against the terms as it would interfere with our neighbors wifi experience.


Actually a lot of Capitalism is not really capitalism, .... like a coal plant externalizing their costs, by dumping mercury into the air.  They aren't paying for that cost - their are making everyone else pay for it downwind, and those who eat the mercury laden fish etc.

Go to the link I provided, and find the beta settings... change the settings on your dashboard
it should work


Agreed, capitalism at the hands of the wrong people just like anything else gets intertwined with greed and selfish acts, and ruins it for everyone else.

I tried the link, did what it said. Now i am showing offline in my obi dashboard.  OBi100 is blinking green.  I have a dial tone but get a message that it can't connect to the service provider when calling out.  So, i guess i am back on the phone with spectrum to see why my port is not working?? 

Seems to me that's where the trouble is, and not surprised. 

I do thank you for all the help and advice.  Going to stick a laptop in the port to see what happens, and go from there.


Yes, check your hardwired ethernet jack.  In a dorm room for example they had to enable the jack in my son's room.  But you started I think by saying you only have wi-fi.  You mentioned something about registering the device. Perhaps you have to give the apartment people the mac address?


i have the obi mac address registered, and just tried 3 different ethernet cords to a laptop, nothing.  Calling them now.  Sorry i had you looking for solutions when of course they did not leave me with a working port like they said they would. 

Thank you for all the help, and so sorry for wasting your time.  :-)  I might be back, because now i am beta and not sure how that works.


Quote from: cheri on June 20, 2018, 08:21:18 AM
they said it's against the terms as it would interfere with our neighbors wifi experience.
More likely they mean you cannot have a router which incorporates a Wi-Fi Access Point - commonly referred to as a "Wi-Fi router" but as almost all current home routers do have Wi-Fi the "Wi-Fi" part of the name is increasingly omitted.

If that is indeed the restriction there are some possibilities.

1. If you have a working ethernet socket, hang a router on that. If it is a Wi-Fi router, disable its Wi-Fi.

2. Use a Wi-Fi to ethernet adapter to get a working ethernet socket then proceed as above.

3. If you have or get a Wi-Fi router which can be flashed with alternative firmware such as OpenWRT, DD-WRT etc do that and configure it as the equivalent of both the adaptor and router in 2.

Note that in all 3 cases, devices wired to the router will be double-NATed but I have not found that to be a problem in most cases.


My obi100 is working!  They activated the wall port, had to wait for the apartment complex to give permission, once that happened, it was activated and now i can use my home phone again!!  Thank you to all who helped and gave advice.  And whoever Simon is, thank you for providing your services at such a bargain price!! 


Excellent news.

If you have the OBi100 plugged directly into the wall jack then you are open to abuse. 

If so, I strongly suggest you put a basic router (with no Wifi) between the OBi100 and the Ethernet jack.
