I have an Obi110. The other person's voice has always been crystal clear, never had an issue. However, I've had people say several times that my voice is quite choppy and cannot be understood. This seems to correspond with when one of my computers is running an online (offsite) backup via Backblaze.
I have a 30Mbps down, 5Mbps up connection and I limit backblaze to 2.5Mbps, so there is plenty of bandwidth left over. Whats going on here? If I find the computer in the house doing a backup and pause backblaze, the other party on the phone call stops complaining about my voice immediately.
I have an Apple Time Capsule as a router so I'm limited in the QoS on the router options, but why would I need to anyways with so much available uplink bandwith. Is this a 'buffer bloat' issue with my provider Time Warner?