There is a potential problem using **8 if you also use OBiBluetooth. The OBiBluetooth access codes are **81 and **82. If you do not use OBiBluetooth, at least from the phone port that you are likely to dial **8 for sp8, then I suggest removing the OBiBluetooth access codes and using **8 for access to sp8. This results in the following setup:
My digitmap:
My outboundcallroute:
I'm not sure why you have not used sp7 and access it with **7. **7 would not interfere with any other codes. Anyhow, if you do not use OBiBluetooth, then my suggested setup should work.
If you wish to be very thorough, then you should also consider changes to the Auto Attendant setup and Call Return DigitMaps if you use those functions.