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Problem setting up new obi200

Started by Toto, October 08, 2014, 10:23:38 AM

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I have had an obi100 set up with Vestalink for a year or so now. I also have a Google voice number that forwards to the vistalink number. Well I just bought a new obi200 and changed it out with the 100. I want to use Google voice now as my server. I ran through the setup process on my obitalk account and it shows that I am connected through google voice and the obi200 shows 3 solid green lights so everything seems to be fine there, but my cordless phones won't ring when I call using my google voice number and I cannot call out on them either. Google voice is shown as my SP1 and on my vestalink account it shows me as not being connected. I also unclicked the call forwarding on my google voice account page.

So why won't my phones work? What else should I do? When I call using my google voice number I get a message saying no one is home and to leave a message. The phones have a strong dial tone but they go dead when I dial a number.


I'm wondering if you're trying to drive too many phones with too much impedance for the OBi200 to handle.

How many different phones are you driving with the OBi200? Are you backfeeding your residential wiring with your OBi200 and plugging multiple phones into jacks around the house?

What happens if you plug a SINGLE phone directly into the back of the OBi200? Does it ring? Can you place an outbound call?


There is only one phone plugged into the obi200. It is the base phone for a set of cordless phones, 4 of them. They would all ring when I was using the obi100 just this morning. There are no other phones in the house so all the phone jacks are not being used other than the one I get internet service through. I have DSL, not dial up internet service but it is through our local phone company.


OK that's great. Exactly the same setup that I have. Driving a single mobile base, regardless of how many handsets you use, should not be a problem at all.

Do you happen to have a working corded phone that you can plug into the back of the OBi200 temporarily just to test inbound and outbound calling? If that phone worked it would at least tell you that there's something going on between the OBi200 and your cordless phone base. Worth a shot.

I'm wondering if there's a defect in your new OBi200 and if you should replace it while it's under warranty.

Try the troubleshooting that I suggested above with a corded phone. If that testing fails, contact the vendor you purchased the OBi200 from or contact OBiHAI directly to see about replacing the unit.