I know some softphones won't register to an OBi2xx proxy. Maybe your IP phone won't work. You can test your OBi2xx setup by using the Phonerlite softphone on a Windows computer. Phonerlite works for me.
Download and install:
http://www.phoner.de/PhonerLiteSetup.exeWhen you start Phonerlite I think a wizard will popup because no accounts are defined.
Proxy: (IP address and port of the SP trunk setup as a proxy)
Click right arrow.
User Name: (AuthUserName of OBi2xx)
Password (AuthPassword of OBi2xx)
Click right arrow.
Change Profile Name: OBi2xx
Click check mark
You should have a green circle indicating you are registered.
Dial a number and click the green phone symbol.
Click red phone symbol to hang up.
If your IP phone won't register, it will work if it's able to call without registration.
I'm using firmware build 4822 on my OBi200.