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Help routing calls from specific numbers

Started by jimbolaya, January 28, 2016, 11:50:56 AM

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I'm kind of drowning in documentation and I can't really figure out where to start on this.  I've looked at this post
which has given me hope that it wont be too difficult to do what I would like.

I would like my obi110 to take calls from GV from specific phone numbers and dial a specific phone number on the LINE port, but only if it isn't answered (i.e. about to go to Google Voice voicemail). Otherwise if it isn't the specific phone numbers, it should just let GV answer.

I'm pretty sure something like this can be done, but I don't have a good grasp of how to achieve it. I would also love to know how to search for something like this without wading through too many posts that aren't relevant. One does have to wade through the weeds a little, but I'm kind of lost in the weeds at the moment.


It is relatively simple to put several phone numbers into a user defined digit map and modify the InboundCallRoute for the GV SP make calls from those numbers be forwarded to a number dialled out on the LINE port. The bit I don't have an immediate answer to is how to put a delay into that so you have time to answer yet the GV voicemail does not kick in. 


User Settings -> User Defined Digit Maps -> User Defined Digit Map2
Label: fwd
DigitMap: (18005551212|1805551313|18005551414)

Assuming GV is defined on SP1
Voice Services -> SP1 Services -> X_InboundCallRoute:

Setup a user digit map with the phone numbers you want to forward. The 1st rule in the inbound route will simultaneously ring the OBi110 and call your number via Line port for the numbers in the user digit map. The commas are pauses. Change 1234567 to the number you want to call.  I don't remember the length of each pause, but it's not long. Maybe a few seconds, so you will have to play to get this to work the way you want. I don't know if there is a limit on the number of pause you can use. I only used this method to call an IVR then pause and enter a response. See:

Anybody reading this thread, the pauses will only work on the Line port.

I don't know what I was thinking. You don't have a lot of time for this process. GV voicemail picks up after 25 seconds, so you have about 24 seconds for your OBi to ring a few times, a few seconds for the call to your cell to connect and time for you to answer the call.

Each ring takes 6 seconds (2 seconds ring and 4 silence), so three rings on your OBi will take 14 to 18 seconds.

12 seconds pause while OBi is ringing.
Est. 4 seconds to connect to cell (OBi is still ringing) .
That leaves 8 seconds for you to answer the call on your cell.

If you don't answer in time, you won't know who called. You will see your PSTN callerid.