Update: I created a new support ticket with CallCentric when I found that the issue with the answering machine occurs with inbound calls to CallCentric, but not inbound calls to Google Voice. They had me send them the date/time stamps of a couple of calls where I had the issue.
CallCentric support was able to review the call logs from their end and determine that the reason that I am hearing the beeps is that about 30 seconds into the call (e.g. after the Obi answers the call and after the answering machine plays the outgoing message) the Obi device sent a Re-INVITE packet back to CC to re-invite the call as a T.38 fax call. This explains why I'm hearing an intermittent beep tone on the line because the Obi is trying to establish a fax connection with the inbound call.
So it looks like the theories presented here that the issue had nothing to do with the Obi device are not correct. The Obi is sending a re-INVITE packet back to CallCentric after the call has been answered. All calls I have tested are coming in from a standard mobile phone, not from a fax machine.
The CallCentric support team was not able to determine why the re-INVITE message is being sent, they could just confirm that it was sent from the device. They sent me a couple of suggested configuration settings to see if it would resolve the problem. After making the suggested settings (see below),
I no longer have the issue, even with the latest v5695EX firmware. The answering machine is working fine again.
If anyone is interested in trying the settings to see if it resolves the issue with your answering machine, here they are. I only had to change a couple of these as a couple of them were already set the way they suggested. Based on the suggested settings, I'm guessing that the fax capability will no longer work. For me that's not an issue as I never use the line for faxes. But it may be an issue for others, so fair warning.
---Codec Profile A & B---
FAX Event Section
- Enable: unchecked (mine was already unchecked)
Codec Settings Section
- T38Enable: Unchecked (mine was checked)
- T38Redundancy: 0 (mine was set to 2)
---ITSP Profile X (The Callcentric one eg. ITSP B)---
SIP Sub-section
- X_SessionRefresh: Unchecked (mine was already unchecked)
- X_FaxPassThroughSignal: None (mine was set to ReINVITE)
What I still need to determine is "why" the Obi is sending the packet trying to re-establish the call as a fax. I will try creating a support ticket with Obihai to see if they can determine what might have changed in the recent firmware versions that is causing the issue. I'll post here again if I find anything new.
Update: 11/08/17: Since this post is getting referenced many times now, I figured I would provide an update based on the most recent v5757EX firmware experience. With the recent Google Voice backing off issues, I installed the v5757EX firmware and performed a factory reset. After the factory reset and fresh new configuration I tested my answering machine. The fax Re-INVITE issue is still there. Changing the following one setting corrected the issue. I didn't need to change all of the settings I listed above.
---Codec Profile A & B---
Codec Settings Section
- T38Enable: Unchecked (mine was checked)
Update: 01/28/18: I have more to share based on recent discussion with Obi Support on this issue. The following is a quote from Obi Support... "the answering machine is sending a tone that the OBi misconstrued to be the fax CNG tone. In older firmware, the OBi reacts to fax answering tone (CED) but not the fax originating tone (CNG)". They confirmed that the issue started with firmware v5562 and a change to the fax detection method.
The Obi Support team is currently working on a solution they hope will resolve this issue. In the meantime, they recommended changing the following setting:
---Codec Profile A & B---
Codec Setting Section:
- T38Reinvite: "Callee only" (mine was set to "Caller or callee")
Obi indicated that this setting is a "more correct, common-practice setting". The "Caller or callee" setting is there for backward compatibility. I can confirm that changing this one setting, my answering machine works properly.
I reverted the T38Enable setting back to "Checked" (from Unchecked) thus re-enabling the T38 fax codec. Even with the T38 codec re-enabled, the change to the T38Reinvite setting allows the answering machine to work properly. I will let everyone know when/if this issue is resolved with a firmware update.
Update: 03/30/18: I wanted to close the loop on this issue by providing another update. Obi Support has resolved the answering machine issue with a firmware update. They pushed a beta version (v5801) to my Obi200 that included the fix. I confirmed that after reverting back all changes, including the most recent T38Reinvite setting above, the answering machine was functioning properly with the new beta firmware.
After testing the beta firmware for more than 8 weeks without issue, I updated my Obi200 device using the generally available firmware v5804. I've been using v5804 for three days without issue. All firmware versions including v5804 and after should include the fix. The following is an excerpt from the v5804 release notes:
- Some answering machines emit a beep of around 1100Hz lasting 0.5 seconds. This resembles one cycle of the fax CNG tone, triggering the OBi to switch to fax mode. If T.38 is enabled, this might cause the call to drop
So just to clarify, after applying firmware v5804 (or later), you can revert back all previously recommended settings listed above in this post to their factory defaults and the answering machine should just work.