I'm a total novice with all this, so please forgive me if this is stupid.
I have an Obihai 200 I'm using with PhonePower as well as Google Voice.
I'm thinking of switching over from UVerse to my local cable company for internet service.
My phones are working thru my old landline wiring thru a 'backfeed' I think it's called? It was what AT&T wired up when I went from POTS to VOIP. The UVerse line comes into the jack - and then there's 2 outputs - one from the internet to the router and one from the 'backfeed' to my Obihai.
So, if/when my cable company comes in and hooks up whatever they hook up, will my UVerse phone jack work with my Obihai to my whole-house phone lines once the UVerse internet is disconnected and the Internet is coming in to the house thru my cable hookup?