Like many of you, I noticed my OBI202 update (without permission) earlier today to 3.2.1 (Build: 5794EX) contrary to having FW Updates disabled in the UI to prevent such behavior. Clearly, OBI like other companies nowadays seems to give two sh|ts about user trust and respecting settings.
After this fisaco, I even went as far to specifically "suspend" FW updates in the local box UI, which as you'll see, does jack to prevent updates. Perhaps this is more for user pacification than it being actual functional code.
That said, I updated sideways to OBi202-3-1-1-5794.fw from EX version, logged into the OBI website and was greeted with a yellow triangle indicating there was an update for my specific serial number and LOW AND BEHOLD... after agreeing (just to see the web UI disrespects the user settings), it pushed the EX version back to the unit.
So in conclusion, the settings inside the OBI local UI mean jack $hit with respect to disabling FW updates. Apparently OBI has a backdoor that allows them to command and conquer your unit as they see fit - including pushing FW updates, which if and when brick your unit, you're SOL if out of warranty.
Time to find out the server and DNS and blacklist at router level.