I've been using my Obi202 with CallCentric for many years. Nothing has changed on my end. Last night, after midnight, both of the phones connected to the device started ringing simultaneously. I believe that the caller ID said that the phone number was unavailable. This kept happening. It would ring for a little while, stop, and then happen again. I rebooted the device. A few minutes after rebooting, the ringing would resume.
Next, I updated the firmware (manually). The problem seemed to stop, so I went to sleep. Today, it started again. Looking at the call log on my device, I see that yesterday, the log says:
From PP1(ob46*) Fork to:
Today's call log says:
From '' or ''='' PP1(ob46*' or ''=') Fork to:
Note that those are pairs of single quotes, not a double quote.
Seeing that reminded me of a SQL injection attack, but that could be completely wrong.
Has anyone seen this issue before?