Quote from: Studly on May 03, 2018, 08:29:27 AM
I rebooted everything and tested and am still having problems making and receiving calls with the Obi202. For instance, when I dial out on my VoipMS acct., I hear nothing although it rings on the other end. Also outgoing calls on Google Voice works but incoming calls do not ring.
This indicates a media problem. The signaling part has set up the call, but the audio (media) is getting blocked somewhere. Note, this applies to sip services. Google voice uses a different mechanism to set up the call. Review Taoman's suggestion above.
For inbound calls to work correctly, correct setting must be used in the google voice account, depending if you want the calls to come through google chat, callcentric, or voipms. Show us a screen shot of your google voice forwarding page from the legacy site (
https://www.google.com/voice/b/0/redirection/voice , then gear icon top right, settings). Blank out any personal information.
Assuming gv is properly forwarding the call then the obi must be configured which phone port to pass the call to.
Quote(Haven't changed the TM-AC1900 router yet so it acts like a regular ASUS rt-ac68u, but I'm wondering if that will make a difference in how my Obi202 performs?)
I doubt this will make any difference. I think the tmo model just has some preconfigured qos settings for when mobile devices use tmobile's wifi calling. If you want to rule the router out entirely, connect the obi directly to your modem and retest.