I have 2 separate GoogleVoice numbers with different area codes.
Both GV numbers are listed as assigned to 981E
BANDWIDTH.COM CLEC, LLC - CA and both are in Southern California, so they aren't across country from each other.
The one with area code 8xx is assigned to sp1
If I manually select sp1 by dialling **1 before the called number, the called party gets UNAVAILABLE in their caller ID
The one with area code 7xx is assigned to sp2
If I manually select sp2 by dialling **2 before the called number, the called party sees the calling number from GoogleVoice as 7xx-xxx-xxxx.
I have also replicated these results by using GoogleTalk through Gmail for each GoogleVoice number and the results are the same. The 8xx GV number shows UNAVAILABLE; The 7xx GV number displays correctly.
If I use the GV web trigger (where it calls you back first to initiate the call), BOTH GV numbers show correctly at the called party's end.
I have tested this by calling 3 different destination/called numbers:
AT&T POTS landline
Verizon Wireless cellphone
T-Mobile cellphone
All three providers gave the same results when those numbers were called.
This seems to be a problem with the GoogleTalk/GoogleChat client software and doesn't affect all users the same.
This problem is noted on 2 separate GoogleVoice forum threads:
http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/voice/thread?tid=305a3852cb635c69&hl=enI don't think this is a problem with the obi110
If I can think of anything else to try to isolate the problem, I will post those results here.
Hope this helps.