I "upgraded" my 302 to your new version 3-2-2-5921EX. The update went smooth, no warnings, showed the new version in the dashboard, everythings cool right? Nope. Went to make a phone call. Had no dial tone, no bluetooth function, and system kept rebooting when a phone call was attempted. Just had a wierd popping sound when first attempted a dial tone, then silence... each attempt. The ONLY thing that I changed was the firmware version. I am one of the lucky ones that can reload a different firmware, so I went with 5859, now everything works as it should. That is the ONLY change I made. Just the firmware versions, 5859 works, 3-2-2-5921EX does NOT work. Whats the deal with that? Why would your newest upgrade with the newest features break all functionality of the 302?