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Hook up POTS to Obi2182 via Obi212?

Started by FlintstoneGummy, March 30, 2021, 08:54:12 AM

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Yes, 7 destinations. I never tried it, but I assume you can loop a 2nd time making it 10 destinations.

I don't expect any delays, but I've been wrong before. I only tried looping in a test environment and didn't detect any delays.

I didn't read this entire thread, so I don't know where you're routing calls. If all the calls are routed to the OBiTalk network then the Maxsessions on OBiTalk must be increased. Maxsessions must be equal or greater than the max number of simultaneous calls on a service. You are routing the call out SP4 then back in SP4, so that is 2 simultaneous calls on SP4. The SP4 default of 2 is OK.


Okay, some delays on the testing while setting up the test equipment....

When using InboundCallRoute to ring other devices, is there a way to prepend to the CallerID data?

I'd like to add the last 4 digits of the incoming line (which I know because it is fixed on a 212) and then the incoming callerID.

That way even the cordless analog phones will know which line is calling.

Why? Few people, cover to answer for each other ad-hoc. Walk away from desk, go into warehouse, talking to customer, etc.

Since I'm sending calls from 212 over ObiTalk network, should be able to do it?



Quote from: myobinameisinuse9987 on April 24, 2021, 09:50:31 AM
Okay, some delays on the testing while setting up the test equipment....

When using InboundCallRoute to ring other devices, is there a way to prepend to the CallerID data?

I'd like to add the last 4 digits of the incoming line (which I know because it is fixed on a 212) and then the incoming callerID.

That way even the cordless analog phones will know which line is calling.

Why? Few people, cover to answer for each other ad-hoc. Walk away from desk, go into warehouse, talking to customer, etc.

Since I'm sending calls from 212 over ObiTalk network, should be able to do it?


Time you learned how to use a search engine.  You are getting towards the end of my free advice to those who make a profit from it.  :)


Quote from: drgeoff on April 24, 2021, 10:37:16 AM

Time you learned how to use a search engine.  You are getting towards the end of my free advice to those who make a profit from it.  :)

I hear you and appreciate your position. I am perfectly happy to search and read any links.

Point me towards a helpful search engine and I'll use it. LOL. Anything on open internet that has Obi in it yields Obihai and Polycom items, doesn't care what other terms I add. I tried "prepend callerID" "forward callerID" and about 6 other combinations of terms.

So your links and explanations are EXTREMELY helpful and I only ask after investing a significant amount of time trying to find the info first.

But here's something: I find a LOT of lacking info on the 212. I believe you have mentioned in other thread(s) that you don't have one on hand. Others have the same problem getting one.

They have some quirks, which I am compiling and intending to open a How-to thread on the 212, to include what we're doing with them and the tips and tricks we're finding. (By we, it is my daughter (intern) and I, 2-people)

I know that doesn't directly pay you back, but hope it does further the spirit of paying it forward.

An example: The 212 does not support 10-digit dialing out of the box (factory reset, no FW updates available). This area code is old. Some exchanges are local, some are long distance, no 7-digit dialing, no rhyme or reason for Verizon.

So I modified the Dialing Map as follows: Physical Interfaces/ Line/ Line port/ Digit map: (xxxxxxxS4|1xxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxx|xx.)

I added the 10-digit rule. Simple, I know, but a real pain.

Should have been 1) plug line from wall into Line on 212, 2) Plug phone into Phone on 212, even with no power allow the relay to connect those ports and do a test call.

Nope. :(

Obi212 didn't connect the two ports. 10-digit dialing didn't work (I didn't know this until after they tried to use it and couldn't dial out). 1-(10digit) worked fine, which is what I tested.

I consider that a gotcha. Some speculate about the relay for the two ports on Obi212. I will be testing another one shortly.

The InboundCallRoute tips are helpful.

All said, I REALLY appreciate the help! If I can return the favor, let me know and how.


I can't get that Map for X_InboundCallingRoute to work for CID modifications any which way on OBi202.

I tried for hours and many combinations.

I removed the ph for testing so the cordless Panasonic would only ring with the single rule.

This is on my personal system, to separate business calls from personal calls. Want to add 1-3 numbers at beginning of CID.

The different ring tones are hit and miss with the cordless handsets.

Any ideas or updates to the 2016 version above?



Quote from: myobinameisinuse9987 on April 25, 2021, 10:21:18 AM

This is on my personal system, to separate business calls from personal calls. Want to add 1-3 numbers at beginning of CID.

Give the following a try:



Quote from: Taoman on April 25, 2021, 11:34:12 AM

Give the following a try:


No joy. Phone didn't ring. But I did confirm with


that phone, port, etc are all correct. Doesn't seem to be matching correctly?

Did Obi remove this capability? Incoming is GV line (shouldn't matter?), going out over phone port2 on the Obi202. I haven't updated firmware in quite some time?


It does matter, GV prepends a "+".


Quote from: azrobert on April 25, 2021, 02:30:00 PM
It does matter, GV prepends a "+".

Okay, that is a step closer. It rings in on that line now, but not CID changes.

On the Panasonic cordless CID is 1-aaa-bbb-cccc, where a=Area code, b=Exchange, c=last 4
On the Obi2182, CID is +1aaabbbcccc (I see the + and no dashes)

I have been checking the 2182, just in case the Panasonic cordless is funky with CID.




Yields 5551aaabbbcccc  on the second screen, nothing on the first screen (too wide).

But, found another problem with the test setup.

This Panasonic phone and the Obi202 used have been in service for quite some time. (the 2182 is new to us just this week). Because of that, something I never checked, is my cell that is being used to call and test the CID changes was saved in the phone's directory/phonebook.

We've had this cordless phone for a decade I think. It had 4 items in its onboard phonebook. I forgot it even had one.

So, that means the above works (I added the = ), but it also means the other suggests are NOT EXCLUDED, they may work, I can't say with any certainty due to a defective test setup.

To anyone else looking to modify incoming callerID, be sure there isn't any store numbers, phonebook, directory, etc on your phone used for testing. At least on this Panasonic cordless, it will override any incoming CID.

Thank you to all who have helped me get this far!


You don't need to see the + or the country code.
This worked on my OBi1032 IP Phone:


Quote from: myobinameisinuse9987 on April 25, 2021, 03:58:31 PM


Yields 5551aaabbbcccc  on the second screen, nothing on the first screen (too wide).

Try the following:
{(<+1:12>xxxxxxxxxx):ph} should be visible on the Panasonic
{(<+1:1234>xxxxxxxxxx):ph} should be visible on the OBi2182

If your incoming calls are mostly from one or two area codes there is additional digit manipulation you can do so the 4-digit prepend number will show up on the Panasonic (minus the area code).



Okay, here is the "Big List of CID Attempts and Results using Google Voice (GV) on Panasonic cordless phone connected to OBi202"

My actual number last 4-digits start with 0, seems to funk things up in places, so I tried a 1. Anonymized my number to be: aaa-bbb-cccc or last 4 as 5678

{(<+:=555>xx.):ph}  / Works!!!

{(<x:3>xxxxxxxxxx):ph}   /Doesn't match to ring

Google Voice requires + in front (adds to CID) to match

{(<+x:3>xxxxxxxxxx):ph}   /WORKS!!! 3-aaa-bbb-cccc on first, main screen

{(<+x:3>xxxxxxxxxx):ph},{ph}   / WORKS! 3-aaa-bbb-cccc displayed. extra {ph} catches odd calls if miss the match

{(<+x:h>xxxxxxxxxx):ph},{ph}   / Matches and rings. PRIVATE CALLER displayed

{(<+x:5678>xxxxxxxxxx):ph},{ph}   / Matches and rings. PRIVATE CALLER displayed

{(<+x:78>xxxxxxxxxx):ph},{ph}   / Matches and rings. 78aaabbbcccc displayed, no dashes

Noticed some stuff on 2nd page of CallerID upon checking call log

{(<+x:1678>xxxxxxxxxx):ph},{ph}   / Matches and rings. 1678aaabbbcc.. displayed on first page, no dashes. On second page, last 2 cc on second line.

{(<+x:678>xxxxxxxxxx):ph},{ph}   / Matches and rings. 678aaabbbccc. displayed on first page, no dashes. On second page, last 1 c on second line

{(<+x:2>xxxxxxxxxx):ph},{ph}   / Final Solution for SP2 (home) 2-aaa-bbb-cccc displayed on first page, with dashes (final, for now ;) )

{(<+1:*>xxx<->xxx<->xxxx):ph},{ph}   / *-aaa-bbb-cccc

{(<+1:12>xxxxxxxxxx):ph}   / 12aaabbbcccc  No dashes

I know examples help me understand syntax, maybe this list will help someone.


So as I try to finish the 212 setup, I want to be able to dial a prefix on any analog phones attached to OBi phone port, or press a Line button on Obi1062 and be able to dial out using the LINE port on one of the 212's.

I wish to retain ability to call the OBi212 ph analog phone as an extension.

I've tried using my 2182 and 212 here using drgeoff's instructions here:

For outgoing POTS you need to configure both 212 and 2182.
Voice Services, OBiTalk Service, InboundCallRoute: {123456789>(xx.):li}
where 123456789 is the 9 digit OBi number of the 2182

Physical Interfaces, Phone Port, DigitMap
It begins: ([1-9]x?*(Mpli)
Insert 1*xx.S3| to make it begin (1*xx.S3|[1-9]x?*(Mpli)

Physical Interfaces, Phone Port, OutboundCallRoute:
It begins: {([1-9]x?*(Mpli)):pp}
Make insertion so that it begins: {(<1:987654321>*(xx.)):pp},{([1-9]x?*(Mpli)):pp}
Replace 987654321 with the 9 digit OBi mumber of the 212.

Dial 1*8005551212 on the 2182 and 8005551212 will be called on the POTS line.

I can't get it to work. On the Obi2162 I dial

1*aaabbbcccc  which gives a Trying message, then Call Failed 900.

The Line port on the 212 does not blink. I have tested it by dialing out on it from 212 phone port using analog phone. It is GV and allows 10-digit dialing to my cell.

I am guessing that any prefix, such as 1*, can then be used as speed dial button on the 2182, right?

I would prefer a secret pwd or something be required on the 212 so nobody else can use the PSTN- should they get on the network somehow.

The second option (maybe better, or not?) is to limit it by obi device number. Can these be spoofed or cloned?

If trying to access multiple 212 from multiple Obi phones, should I setup an individual trunk on each 212 and go from there? Will that mess up my InboundCallRoute that rings multiple OBi phones?

I have never setup a trunk, though I have read about it.


PS- Would setting up Trusted Callers do this, with some key-programmed sequence/speed dial to get a second dial tone on the 212?

PPS- What about setting up a Voice Gateway on each 212?


Look at the 212's Call History. Does it show the call from the 2182 and if yes what number and route does the 212 then attempt?


Quote from: drgeoff on April 26, 2021, 02:38:52 AM
Look at the 212's Call History. Does it show the call from the 2182 and if yes what number and route does the 212 then attempt?

I didn't find such an animal on ObiTalk platform, but did find it on webpage access on its IP address.

The only call in Call History on 212 from yesterday is the one I did from PH1 handset as a test to confirm the line and all parts were functional. Nothing from 2182 or anywhere else.

On the 2182 there are many calls from PH1, to PP1(1*+1aaabbbcccc) and even PP1(tttwwwvvv*aaabbbcccc) where a=area code, b=exchange, c=last 4-digits and tttwwwvvv is the Obi number for the 212.

Sadly, doesn't look like anything is getting to the 212? Or is the 212 rejecting the call (would that show up in the call history?)

I wish there was a way to see a log that showed what Digitmap and/or route was used/matched?

Q: If I set the 212 LINE up as a voice gateway, it can be shared between multiple devices using secret code? The many docs I've been reading sound like it, but I don't know?



The following might give you a better understanding of what's happening;

Here is the format to route a call over the OBiTalk network:

<Target_OBi_Number> * <Data>

Target_OBi_number is a 9 digit OBi number
A speed dial number. The speed dial points to the target OBi

To send 5551212 to OBi number 123456789:
With speed dial#5 set to pp(123456789)

The default config uses the speed dial format.

I use a single digit for the target OBi_Number then have the digit map change it to the actual 9 digit OBi_number. You can use the following Phone DigitMap rule to validate the dialed number:
This Phone OutboundCallRoute will change the "1" to the actual OBi_Number then send the call to OBiTalk:

Dial 1*5551212

OBi212 OBiTalk inbound route:

111111111 is the OBi Number of the sending device.

If you want multiple devices accessing the 212, use the same setup on those devices. Change the OBi212 to allow access by those devices:


This helps a great deal, thank you.

Let me try it, and I'll give the results


I used DigitMap (8 as prefix instead of 1):


I am new to the syntax and it isn't sticking yet. Am I missing any operators or ?? I removed the < before the first 8 to match your suggestion, but not sure if I am being too literal?


So far, using the DigitMap I posted to model yours.

Dialing 8*aaabbbcccc   then hitting speakerphone

3 tones, 404 Not found

Call log on 2182 shows:

To PP1(8*+1aaabbbcccc)

This is without the change on 212 yet. And what's the deal with the system adding +1 to everything I dial?