Quote from: FlintstoneGummy on March 30, 2021, 10:04:55 AM
Quote from: drgeoff on March 30, 2021, 09:56:30 AM
You have not explicitly confirmed that the you and your in-laws are in the same premises but if not it isn't easy to understand what you want.
Yes you can route 2182 POTS calls in and out via the 212 over the Obitalk network.
When I say "I have" i meant "they have"
So yes, you can consider it the same premises.
How do you route 2182 POTS calls in and out via the 212 over the Obitalk network? That's basically what I am trying to do.
For incoming POTS you only need to change one setting on the 212.
Physical Interfaces, Line Port, InboundCallRoute:
ph,ob(123456789) ph,pp(123456789)
Replace 123456789 with the 9 digit OBi number of the 2182.
Incoming POTS calls will ring both the phone on the 212 and the 2182. Either can answer. If you don't want the 212's phone to ring just use
ob(123456789) pp(123456789).
For outgoing POTS you need to configure both 212 and 2182.
Voice Services, OBiTalk Service, InboundCallRoute: {123456789>(xx.):li}
where 123456789 is the 9 digit OBi number of the 2182
Physical Interfaces, Phone Port, DigitMap
It begins: ([1-9]x?*(Mpli)
Insert 1*xx.S3| to make it begin (1*xx.S3|[1-9]x?*(Mpli)
Physical Interfaces, Phone Port, OutboundCallRoute:
It begins: {([1-9]x?*(Mpli)):pp}
Make insertion so that it begins: {(<1:987654321>*(xx.)):pp},{([1-9]x?*(Mpli)):pp}
Replace 987654321 with the 9 digit OBi mumber of the 212.
Dial 1*8005551212 on the 2182 and 8005551212 will be called on the POTS line.
(With acknowledgement to azrobert from whom some of this was cribbed.)
Edited to correct errors pointed out and acknowledged in posts below.