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how to set up nomorobo with obihai obitalk google voice?

Started by RichE, September 04, 2015, 08:59:38 AM

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Quote from: Taoman on March 06, 2017, 11:10:04 AM
Make a call to your GV number. Then check your call history. Do you see the call forking correctly to the toll free number with the caller id?
Another toll free proxy I use is:
I've never seen any forked calls in my GV history even when it was working, maybe I misunderstand what you are asking.
All I know is if the progress band on the nomorobo site doesn't change color they're not receiving the test call.
I tried too so maybe my obi200 needs a factory reset to start over from scratch?
Thanks for the suggestions!


Quote from: zorlac on March 06, 2017, 11:21:34 AM

I've never seen any forked calls in my GV history even when it was working, maybe I misunderstand what you are asking.

The fork is being done on your OBi. Why would you look at your GV history? You need to look at the call history on your OBi device using the local web interface. Here's an example from my OBi call history:

Fork to:


Quote from: Taoman on March 06, 2017, 11:42:14 AM
The fork is being done on your OBi. Why would you look at your GV history?
Ahh, my bad.

Here's the SPAM call that got through.

Call 36   03/06/2017    10:02:16   
10:02:16   From GT2(16193691250)   Fork to:
10:02:16      Ringing (PH1)
10:02:34      Call Connected (PH1)
10:02:42      Call Ended

Here's the Nomorobo test call.

Call 34   03/06/2017    10:35:20   
10:35:20   From GT2(16315550543)   Fork to:
10:35:20      Ringing (PH1)
10:35:45   Call Ended

Something strange is going on.
If I clear the X_InboundCallRoute field I still see a reference to SP4( in the call history and any change I made with other providers never showed up in the history.
I think a factory reset may be in order, something just isn't right.


Quote from: zorlac on March 06, 2017, 12:31:43 PM

Something strange is going on.
If I clear the X_InboundCallRoute field I still see a reference to SP4( in the call history and any change I made with other providers never showed up in the history.
I think a factory reset may be in order, something just isn't right.

When you change your X_InboundCallRoute and save your settings and your OBi reboots when you go back to the X_InboundCallRoute field does it retain your change or does it revert back to the original setting?


Yes the X_InboundCallRoute settings stay put on a reboot.
I did a factory reset and now there's no fork happening in the call log.

Call 1   03/06/2017    16:29:00   
16:29:00   From GT2(16315550543)   To PH1
16:29:00      Ringing
16:29:25   Call Ended


Well happy configuring. All of these work for me: does not work for me.


What firmware version are you running?
My obi200 refuses to fork any calls using 3.1.1 (Build: 5562) at least with the settings I used before.


Quote from: zorlac on March 06, 2017, 02:39:27 PM
What firmware version are you running?
My obi200 refuses to fork any calls using 3.1.1 (Build: 5562) at least with the settings I used before.

I'm running (Build: 5577). It "refuses?" What shows up in your call log? How do you currently have SP4 configured?


Quote from: Taoman on March 06, 2017, 02:44:19 PM
What shows up in your call log?
How do you currently have SP4 configured?
Call 1   03/06/2017    16:29:00  
16:29:00   From GT2(16315550543)   To PH1
16:29:00      Ringing
16:29:25   Call Ended

All SP4 settings are the default settings except these.

X_ServProvProfile D

X_RegisterEnable unchecked

X_InboundCallRoute  ph,sp4(;ui=$1)

AuthUserName anything

ITSP Profile D


Every other setting is the default.

I have GV #'s in SP1&2 and Anveo on SP3


And the X_InboundCallRoute for your 2 GV trunks is what???????

Change X_InboundCallRoute for your 2 GV trunks to be:


Is Anveo being used for E911 only?


Quote from: Taoman on March 06, 2017, 03:30:00 PM
And the X_InboundCallRoute for your 2 GV trunks is what???????

Change X_InboundCallRoute for your 2 GV trunks to be:


Is Anveo being used for E911 only?

Changed SP1 & 2  X_InboundCallRoute to below and now it works.
X_InboundCallRoute  ph,sp4(;ui=$1)

I only use SP3 Anveo for 911 & as a failsafe if GV stops working.
So far Anveo hasn't had any SPAM yet so I'm leaving it alone.

It was so long ago that I guess I forgot that SP1 & @ 2 were changed too.
Thanks for persevering with me!  ;D


Quote from: zorlac on March 06, 2017, 04:00:26 PM

It was so long ago that I guess I forgot that SP1 & @ 2 were changed too.

There is no point in changing X_InboundCallRoute on SP4............unless you're planning on getting a lot of inbound spam calls on a dummy trunk.

And for that matter you didn't even need to make the dummy SIP trunk on SP4 since you already had a working SIP trunk on SP3 you could use.

SteveInWA stopped working for me, too.  The OBi shows:

...three "Ringing" attempts, then...
Call Failed (503 UNAVAIL Route Advance -9902; SP1(;ui=1425xxxxxxx))

I changed to alcazarnetworks and that works fine (call from non-Spam number shown going to busy as it should):

Call Failed (486 Busy Here; SP1(;ui=1425xxxxxxx))

Sheesh, this is getting to be like "whack-a-mole".


First, I think one of the early posts contains a serious error that's repeated in quotes of that post:
I had no success until I removed the ">".
Second, verification with Nomorobo should work if the configuration is correct and the proxy is working. didn't work for me. Examining the call history, it's necessary to verify not only that the fork is done, but also that that line rings. You should see an entry like:
    "Ringing (SP3(;ui=1631555xxxx))"


I was trying to follow this tutorial but I can't get my SP1 service to save the config.

My current X_InboundCallRoute is set up for use with FreePBX so it reads


I tried updating it to SP3(212212wxyz),SP4(;ui=$1)

But it always reverts back to the old one, same when i did a manual edit of the xml and uploaded it.

My mistake was setting it on the device while it was being overwritten by obitalk, set it on obitalk and passed nomorobo test


With the nomorobo test call is it usual that the test call continues ringing after it has been verified or is it supposed to be intercepted like with a spam call ?