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Incoming Obi calls to use VOIP provider's voicemail (call forking to

Started by dailyglen, December 02, 2011, 08:01:28 PM

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Quote from: infin8loop on December 28, 2011, 05:25:12 PM
Would this router most likely solve my issues?   

I certainly wouldn't place a very big bet one way or the other.  The fact that everything is OK without a router in the loop seems like a pretty solid indictment.

Several years ago, I had a bunch of different routers laying around and was trying to get multiple PAP2's running at the same time on any one of them.  I had nothing but trouble with audio issues until I purchased a Linksys WRT54G and put Tomato on it (DD-WRT back then didn't work satisfactorily for me either).  All my router problems went away and have stayed away since.  About a year ago, I bought a Netgear WNR3700L and put Tomato on it with equally good results.

One of the first tests I run anytime I think I might be having VoIP problems is to call the iNum echo test at 8835100 00000091 directly to  I've never had an audio issue with it.


Thanks for the feedback RonR. I tried something else based on a post by hwittenb in another thread that mentions parameters that can be appended to the speed dial. I've seen mention of them before but didn't know they would be needed and maybe they're really not and something else is going on here.  I'm not even sure they are documented in the official manual.

Given Router Netgear RP614 version1 NO ports forwarded to OBi110 and Obi110 1.3.0 (Build: 2651)
Voice Services -> SP2 Service -> X_ServProvProfile: B
ITSP Profile B -> General -> STUNEnable: checked
ITSP Profile B -> General -> STUNServer:
ITSP Profile B -> General -> X_STUNServerPort: 3478
ITSP Profile B -> General -> X_ICEEnable: checked
ITSP Profile B -> General -> X_SymmetricRTPEnable: checked

speed dial:  SP2(;op=imns)     echo works, I hear myself fine
speed dial:  SP2(                 still results in dead air

I realize this is perhaps throwing the kitchen sink at the STUN/RTP configuration above.  Per the post by hwittenb the ";op=imns" in the speed dial specifies i=ice, m=symmetic-rtp, n=natted-address, s=stun. I'm not sure which of the 4 parameters or combination of parameters is fixing the issue. I will test further when I get motivated. Slapping the parameters on the speed dial doesn't address the dead air issue I had on an incoming call through the Netherlands iNum PSTN access number. I have no idea or guess why the Houston iNum gateway seems to work but the Netherlands iNum gateway didn't.

@RonR, do you use port forwarding on your router and/or do you have STUN configured on the OBi and if so, how is your STUN configured? And do you have to use the "op=" parameter in speed dials?  My impression, perhaps wrong, is that STUN would be preferable since it doesn't unnecessarily expose ports to the world as port forwarding does.   

@hwittenb, thanks for reminding me these options exist.
"This has not only been fun, it's been a major expense." - Gallagher


Quote from: infin8loop on December 31, 2011, 11:40:44 AM
@RonR, do you use port forwarding on your router and/or do you have STUN configured on the OBi and if so, how is your STUN configured? And do you have to use the "op=" parameter in speed dials?  My impression, perhaps wrong, is that STUN would be preferable since it doesn't unnecessarily expose ports to the world as port forwarding does.   

I always forward SIP and RTP ports.  I give each ATA its own range of each and then explicitly forward those ranges to the appropriate device (whose IP address is fixed by static DHCP assignment).  I also use a STUN server in each device (  I have never enabled ICE or used any of the optional parameters.

Some argue that all these steps shouldn't be necessary, but in combination with Tomato firmware in the router, I never have call connection problems nor audio issues of any sort.


I just want to thank infin8loop and dailyglen for their detailed instructions on setting up voicemail using  I had been working on this & the instructions here worked perfectly.  Those instructions would be a great addition to a FAQ if there is one :).