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Disable AutoAttendant for Line-In (POTS) only?

Started by DaveTap, February 19, 2012, 07:28:13 AM

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I know its probably covered somewhere but after searching a while I have to ask... Is there a way to disable AutoAttendant on OBi110's Line-In port but still have it answer SP1 and SP2?

I have 6 OBis in use for my family but ran into a small snag lately. One of my aunts is local to  parents', sister's and my Google-Voice number. Since her long distance was expensive I had her using Onesuite until I got OBis and added her to our Trusted Caller List... So far so good she could call into any of our GV #s press 1 to get us or press 2 to call thru and use Speed Dials (and EasyVoip) to call her grand-kids in South Africa. The problem came when I decided to upgrade to OBi110s to get E911 on POTS. My parents and sister both have separate phones and answering machines for their POTS but now when my Aunt calls POTS number she gets the Obi attendant which means the answering will never pick up the call. We want to keep the extra phones so POTS and GV can be used simultaneously but I'd really like to have E911 on ALL the phones.
  Temporarily I solved the problem by setting up a separate OBiTalk account for my OBi100 so that she isn't in my family's trusted caller list... the only problem is my internet tends to go down in inclement weather and I take my OBi with me when I travel... leaving her without long distance until its back online. It also means I have to maintain 2 separate Speed-Dial lists (even though they are duplicates of each other)  :(
Also: Thanks to RonR and the guys for the guide on setting up SIP providers as VGs... its great pressing **3 for EasyVoip etc. and frees up trunks in my PBXes for incoming trunks ;D


When you add a number to the OBiTALK Web Poral Circle-of-Trust, you are simply requesting that InboundCallRoute rules be added to send that CallerID to the Auto Attendant.  The OBiTALK Web Portal is very limited in its capabilities and doesn't allow selective routing.  Remove the number from the Circle-of-Trust and they won't be sent to the Auto Attendant.

If there is a particular path or paths through which you want a CallerID to be sent to the Auto Attendant, manually add an InboundCallRoute rule to that path : {12341234567:aa}


There may be better choices for your aunt.  If she had her own GV number, it could be set up so when she calls it, she could just press 2 and dial out, for free domestic long distance.  This would likely be better quality than going through your OBi.  For calling South Africa on Betamax, she could bypass the OBi by calling an access number.  Check rates on Rynga.