dircom: THANKS so much for taking the time to suggest a few things that might help me out here.....YOU definitely DID!
The 1st 2 I had kind of already covered but that #3 - LINK is what led me to something to maybe "get my teeth" into.....had NEVER seen a site like that that offers tests of specifically VOIP setups, I needed dat, it put a name and "face" on my specific problem, causing all the voice drop outs, it's called the "jitters" [rightly so].....and it led me to find hope for a solution, I read that one might call your provider and see if they would lower the jitter buffer....and/or Cat6 Ethernet Cable vs. Cat5.
I called my provider 1st, Comcast, and he 1st reset my Modem, that did not work and then he said that with VOIP it often improves with FASTER BB speed and said I could try for FREE [3 months] their higher speed and see if that worked......I was using 16-21MBs and he boosted it up to 50-69MBs and WALA - - - NO more jitters!!!
Now don't know what I'll do when those 3 months are up.....I can't afford barely my present program with them...I imagine that upgraded s[eed will boost their price $20-30.
Sorry for long winded reply but figure others will be served by reading this info too.
Thanks again, michael