Hi RonR,
First of all, let me say that I really appreciate your help.
Now, I tried to find some informatino about the Greek tones and al I got is this:
Dial tone: 425@-19;20(.2/.3/1,.7/.8/1)
Busy tone: 400@-10,400@-19;10(.5/.5/1)
Reorder tone: 400@-10,400@-19;10(.25/.25/1)
Ring Back Tone: 400@-10,400@-19;*(1/4/1)
And this:
Dial tone: 425@-19;20(.2/.3/1,.7/.8/1)
Busy Tone: 425@-19;20(.3/.3/1)
Reorder Tone: 425@-19;20(.3/.3/1)
SIT1 Tone: 425@-19;20(.3/.3/1)
It seems that the notation is different than the Obi's. I tried to decipher them to create something that sounds similar, but no luck.
Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge/experience to sort it out myself. Any idea on how to do it? Failing that, do you who/where I can find out?
Many thanks,