Thanks to everyone that contributed to this thread. I have found it a facinating learning experience. Now, seven month later, we're back and I need some help.
I have an OBi100 and I want to modify the setup as follows:
DEFAULTSetup Wizard>Outbound Settings>
Phone DigitMap>
MODIFIEDSetup Wizard>Outbound Settings>
Phone DigitMap>
DEFAULTSetup Wizard>Outbound Settings>
Phone OutboundCallRoute>
MODIFIEDSetup Wizard>Outbound Settings>
Phone OutboundCallRoute>
If I understand what is written in this thread correctly, then this should work. But I would like someone with more experience that I to read it over before I make the actual changes. This is to our home number and we have some very sick family members right now. I can't afford to 'brick' this thing or even have it offline for any length of time.
Concerning local governments that claims not to have 10 digit access to 911, you might want to investigate further:I too was told that there was only 10 digit access to the non-emergency side of emergency dispatch. But I was persistent and called back and each time asked for someone different. Each time I learned something new: (This is in Houston Texas)
The non-emergency
volunteer said no way; that I had to call the non-emergency line.
I started throwing acronyms and tech jargon at her; she got her supervisor.
Her Supervisor didn't know, but transferred me to an HPD information officer. He didn't know and said I had to call the non-emergency line and ask. (See the circle? I wasn't buying it!)
I asked that the information officer transfer me to the Sargent in dispatch. When he did, I introduced myself as a tech for (one of my DBAs) and explained that I was installing a non-standard phone system and needed to configure it for 10 digit 911 access because the VoiP provider didn't offer 911 access. He asked if this was for a business line or a residential line; explaining that 10 digit access was not available to residential lines...
I said both, citing county rules on home businesses. He approved and started being more cooperative.
The Sargent in dispatch said I had to speak to an Emergency Call Center Supervisor to set up the 911 test call. ** Before I would let him transfer me, I asked that he confirm the access number that I had. I gave him a phone number and he said no, then gave me the right one.
I spoke to a number of other people and finally ended up with the Harris County 911 District office. The manager there was pretty tight lipped until I engaged him in a conversation about free phone service through GV and Obi. He liked not having to pay a phone bill! Before it was all over, he confirmed my access number and said no 10 digit line was part of the automatic location system. I would be asked for the address. But he also told me that it rang directly in the 911 call center and my call would enter the cue just like any other call. Good to know! The number is listed above in my
Phone OutboundCallRoute entry.
I hope this information is useful. Good Luck!
EDIT ************************
I have since submitted the changes above and they seem to work - except for the 411 800 number which rings into infinity. But I think I know where to find that fix, so I'm off to the races again! Thanks!