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Call forward to mutiple numbers?

Started by yhfung, March 20, 2011, 02:32:54 PM

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I have an Obi110 at home (200######) and an Obi200 at work (510######). I would like both of them to ring simultaneously when someone calls me on Going by what was said in reply #36 above,
I am setting on my Obi110:
Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> InboundCallRoute: {ph,pp(ob200######),pp(ob510######)}
And I am setting on my Obi200:
Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> InboundCallRoute: {ph,pp(ob200######),pp(ob510######)}
However, when I call the number only home or work rings, not both. It seems intermittant, one minute
home will ring, the next time I call work will ring.
What am I doing wrong?


1st, you are putting the code in the wrong place.
It should be in the X_InboundCallRoute for the SP where is defined.
This is probably the wrong method to use.

What OBi is defined?
Is it defined on the OBi110 and the OBi200?

Let's assume is defined only on the OBi110 SP1 and not on the OBi200.
On the OBi110:
Voice Services -> SP1 Service -> X_InboundCallRoute:

When you only have 1 rule, the curly brackets are optional.
The OB in the OBi number is optional.

The call comes into the OBi110, rings the Phone Port and also routes the call to the OBi200.

On the OBi200
Voice Services -> OBiTalk Service -> InboundCallRoute
Remove any code routing calls from the OBi110 to the Auto Attendant (aa).

Another method is to setup a sub account on for the OBi200

Register the OBi200 to the sub-account.
In route inbound calls to the main account and the sub-account.
I'm not familiar with, so I can't tell you how to do the routing.

I hope the OBi numbers for the OBi110 and OBi200 that you posted are not the real numbers.
If they are, I suggest changing them in your post.


Thanks for the reply, azrobert!
It had never occurred to me to not define the profile in the Obi200. So I have removed that, and put the code into X_InboundCallRoute. I will test if both are ringing tomorrow when at work.


Quote from: Stewart on June 12, 2012, 06:41:16 AM
I'm on 1.3.0 (Build: 2711) and the options available for DetectOutboundConnectMethod include None, Detect speech, Detect polarity reversal, and Assume connect after a short delay.

I have an OBI110 with 1.3.0 (Build: 2872) and DetectOutboundConnectMethod is not
an option.  Was it removed?


Quote from: cynthih on November 22, 2015, 11:22:18 PM
Quote from: Stewart on June 12, 2012, 06:41:16 AM
I'm on 1.3.0 (Build: 2711) and the options available for DetectOutboundConnectMethod include None, Detect speech, Detect polarity reversal, and Assume connect after a short delay.

I have an OBI110 with 1.3.0 (Build: 2872) and DetectOutboundConnectMethod is not
an option.  Was it removed?

It would appear so.  I have one 110 with build 2824 and another with 2872.  DetectOutboundConnectMethod is present in the former but not the latter.


Quote from: call-151 on May 06, 2015, 03:54:07 PM
I have an Obi110 at home (200######) and an Obi200 at work (510######). I would like both of them to ring simultaneously when someone calls me on

Perhaps I'm missing something.

You could create a ring group on Voip.Ms and add 2 subaccounts to it. Those subaccounts would be your two Obi's. Then use caller ID filtering to point the caller to the ring group.

I use something like this for a neighbor. He has his home alarm dial a number that point to a ring group. Then that ring group contains all of his devices (tablet, cellphone etc). If someone enters his house, all devices he has will ring. When he is out of town, we add my devices to his ring group too.
My websites: Kona Coffee: and Web Hosting:<br />A simplified Voip explanation:


Hi All:
Is this possible?
OBi100 with SP1=Freephoneline(FPL), SP2 is free
Cell phone with Google Voice Number
Calls to OBi SP1=FPL are forwarded/simultaneous ring to cell phone Google Voice Number with CID from original inbound
Calls from cell phone Google Voice Number through OBi SP1=FPL to initiate call out with CID from FPL number



You said something about GV knowing if cell phone is down or not. Which setting is that? That might resolve my problem.



How can I enable ver 1.2 (beta or not anymore?) so the signal from the PSTN line is detected and the simulring does not stop when the Li dials the number? Also, what needs to be tweaked with the phone company? Thanks so much!


Quote from: vermaraj71 on March 12, 2021, 05:15:22 AM
I currently have Vonage and use their simultaneous ring feature to ring my Vonage number (home phone) and my cell phone.  I'm looking at transferring my Vonage number to Vitelity, whom I don't think has simultaneous ring, but I'm trying to figure out if I can do it with my obi110 instead.

Callcentric has simultaneous ring on their customer portal, among many other features, such as hunt groups.