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Main Menu (Japanese SIP provider) - having trouble

Started by DPUkyle, October 27, 2012, 12:31:42 AM

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Hi forums.

I've recently signed up for a SIP provider in Japan but they only support their proprietary applications on iOS, Android and Windows.

Their service uses sip-tls (sometimes called SIPS), so I thought there was hope when I found the TLS setting under Service Providers -> ITSP Profile A/B -> SIP -> ProxyServerTransport.

Using wget or curl, I can send my service username and password and get a response which contains - I thought - all the info I'd need.  Here's the request/response data with sensitive data replaced with # marks:

curl -d 'ifVer=2.0&apVer=2.0.4&buildOS=IOS&buildModel=iPhone4,1&buildVer=5.1&earlyStFlg=0&no050=050########&pw050=######'


I really enjoy using my OBi110 and have had no trouble with the guided setup for Google Voice, and sipgate, but I'm really a novice when it comes to setting up a custom provider.

Hopefully someone on the forums can help me set up my OBi110 via Expert Configuration to work with this provider - if it's even possible!  I'm especially clueless about the frdCd and rDistingId values returned at the bottom.

Fingers crossed and thanks in advance...



I've try to use 050Plus on before.
As far as I remember, 050Plus require TLS/SRTP and OBi haven't capability for this protocol.

So, I choose other SIP provider in Japan and it works fine.
Please check following URL.



Quote from: Leozou on February 07, 2013, 07:21:36 AM

I've try to use 050Plus on before.
As far as I remember, 050Plus require TLS/SRTP and OBi haven't capability for this protocol.

So, I choose other SIP provider in Japan and it works fine.
Please check following URL.


I don't really know Japanese. But it looks like fusion charges 8.4 yen/30 sec to PSTN? Isn't it very expensive? I believe it's fairly common to find a provider that charges only a few cents (USD) per minute to Japan, no?


Yes, Fusion's 8.4 yen/30 sec is expensive compare to other SIP.

Follwoings are reasons why I choose Fusion.
- In-coming call capable with Japanese phone number
- No basic fees
- Cheap at short call to cell phone
- Major mother company

I sometime use Google Voice for out-going call.


Quote from: Leozou on April 08, 2013, 08:01:17 PM
Yes, Fusion's 8.4 yen/30 sec is expensive compare to other SIP.

Follwoings are reasons why I choose Fusion.
- In-coming call capable with Japanese phone number
- No basic fees
- Cheap at short call to cell phone
- Major mother company

I sometime use Google Voice for out-going call.

Thanks for the reply. The Japanese phone number is indeed appealing. I have a question tho. All the SPs in my obi already in use so there's no way for me to add Fusion to my obi as a SP. Is it possible to do sip forward or iNum forward to the SP in my obi without incurring any charge?


Yes, unfortunately everything is expensive in Japan  :)
I agree with Leozou that having an incoming number capability (DID?) within Japan and for no monthly fee is the prime motivation for using the Fusion IP-Smart service. It is also post-billed, so no need to prepay. Many 050-prefixed IP providers also provide free calling among members (list below*). Finally, since I'm in Tokyo I trust that Fusion's servers are going to have much lower latency compared to a cheaper provider but whose servers are outside of Japan.

About your obi configuration, you could consider using a hosted trunk somewhere else such as I'm very new to VoIP, but my understanding is that if you set Fusion IP-SMART as a trunk, you could then set a separate extension on the trunk for free "internal" transfers. I'm doing something similar but with Google Voice. I do believe doing this with Fustion would requires a premium membership.

For reference, this is my personal setup:
Obi 110:
SP1: Extension 300 of trunk
SP2: Fustion IP-SMART account is hosting my Google Voice trunk.

Android phone native SIP dialer ("Internet Calling"):
Extension 200 of trunk

SP1 is the default for outgoing calls which is my US Google Voice number. But I can also use this as the outgoing number from the Android SIP dialer. Further, I can dial 300 from the Android dialer which rings SP1 on the Obi 110. Pretty cool.

When I want to make an outgoing call from the Fustion IP-SMART (SP2), simply dial **2 to temporarily "switch" to SP2.

As you know, ring and dial tones are slightly different between US and Japan. I can successfully make outgoing calls from my ATA, bince the Obi ATA is preset for US values there is no dial tone.

I know this thread is probably not appropriate but if you know of the proper settings for Japan dial tone, etc. please share. I believe the would be set at:
Obi Expert Configuration -> Tone Settings -> Tone Profile A/B




Hi, DPUkyle
About ring and dial tone, I'm using default setting.
Sorry for I can not help you.



Quote from: Leozou on April 08, 2013, 08:01:17 PM
Yes, Fusion's 8.4 yen/30 sec is expensive compare to other SIP.

Follwoings are reasons why I choose Fusion.
- In-coming call capable with Japanese phone number
- No basic fees
- Cheap at short call to cell phone
- Major mother company

I sometime use Google Voice for out-going call.

Please tell me how to set my obi110 for Fusion IP phone? I just signed up their service but don't know how to enable it with my Obi 110 device.

thanks so much


Still on? I didn't noticed your post since now. I checked Obi device setting as below.

Service Provider Proxy Server:
Service Provider Proxy Server Port: 5060
Outbound Proxy Server:
User Name: ######## 8 digit SIP account number
Password: ######## SIP account password
       ^^^^^^^ put 8 digit SIP account number