There's always quite a few variables with these types of setups. I'll suggest some ideas, then we can fine tune it to suit you.
This first set up is using your Phone Port 1 and your normal house phones – it might be an advantage if you have phones around the house. This example is set up using sp4. Outgoing to the office you would dial **4, get a second dial tone, then dial as if you were at your office. Incoming all calls come into the phones attached to Phone Port 1. You can use different ring cadences to make it clear if a call is from the office or CallerID.
Home OBi202 500654321:
Physical Interfaces > PHONE Port 1 > DigitMap:
Physical Interfaces > PHONE Port 1 > OutboundCallRoute:
Service Providers > ITSP Profile D > General > DigitMap:
Voice Services -> OBiTALK Service -> InboundCallRoute:
Office OBi110 200123456:
Assumes that Primary Line is PSTN Service (default).
Voice Services -> OBiTALK Service -> InboundCallRoute:
Physical Interfaces > LINE Port > InboundCallRoute:
Incoming calls to the OBi110 Line Port ring the phone attached to the OBi110 and the OBi202 at home.
Incoming calls to the OBi110 Line Port only ring the OBi202 at home.
The second set up is using Phone Port 2 on the home OBi202 as your remote office phone. Outgoing simply dial as if you were in the office, no prefix needed. This requires you set up Phone Port 2 Primary Line as SP4 Service. Leave Phone Port DigitMap at default.
Home OBi202 500654321:
Physical Interfaces > PHONE Port 2 > OutboundCallRoute:
Service Providers > ITSP Profile D > General > DigitMap:
Voice Services -> OBiTALK Service -> InboundCallRoute:
Office OBi110 200123456:
Same as first set up
I've assumed the office number range is 2xxx and 3xxx.
Is a phone needed attached to the OBi110 Phone Port to act as the PBX extension in the office?
In the first set up I've not taken account of your 911 set up. You should be safe if you only change the highlighted rules in:
Physical Interfaces > PHONE Port 1 > OutboundCallRoute:
This may be a problem:
Service Providers > ITSP Profile D > General > DigitMap:
There may need to be a pause after the "9" for the office PBX to seize a PSTN line. If this is so, then it can be achieved by sending xxxxxxxxxx and adding a "9 pause" in the OBi110 before sending the call to the PBX. If required, we'll solve that problem later – this post is already rather large
Don't have the two OBi's in each others' Circle of Trust. If you put them in the same account, then they will automatically be in each others' Circle of Trust. This causes confusion! If unavoidable, then change OBi202 and OBi110 Voice Services -> OBiTALK Service -> InboundCallRoute to as shown above.
I guess that's enough for one post ...