My fix:
1) Ensure that in
http://google/voice under Settings/Voice Settings/Phones, Forwards to: that Google Chat is checked
2) If you want to remain logged into the gmail account that hosts your google voice number, then in Gmail under Settings, then the Chat tab, change the Call Phones setting to Call Phones: choosing Disable outbound voice calling.
The down side to this is you can not use the chat function in Gmail, not only does a Gtalk not work in gmail but the Send SMS (from gmail labs) does not work either. A work around for Windows based PC's would be to install then add the GTalk gadget to the desktop. Now you will have chat back on your desktop. If your MAC/OsX based use an IM client like iChat or Adium.
If your using a chrome browser, the Extension: Google Voice (by Google) still shows your google voice message count and clicking on it allows you from your browser tool bar area the ability to call, text, or see your google voice inbox.