From the AdminGude:
Quote2) {(14081223330|15103313456):aa},{(1800xx.|1888xx.):},{ph}
It says: Ring both PHONE port and AA for calls coming from 1 408 122 3330 or 1 510 331 3456, block all 800, 888, and anonymous calls, and ring the PHONE port for all other calls
Nearly all wrong! It really says:
Ring AA for calls coming from 1 408 122 3330 or 1 510 331 3456, block all 1800 and 1888 calls, and ring the PHONE port for all other calls including anonymous.
The rest of that section looks right, so it's odd that whoever wrote that got it so wrong. Obihai need to get a good proof reader!
QuoteToday I've tried setting up call blocking again:
Physical Interfaces->Line Port->RingDelay 0
Physical Interfaces->Line Port->InboundCallRoute: {(12345678912):},{ph}
This didn't work, the DECT rang as normal. CallerId logged correctly.
Did it log in Call History > Peer Number? If so, then it's odd it made it into the OBi.
For call routing to aa to work, then the CallerID should show in Call History > Peer Number. I have never known an OBi to fail to route CallerID correctly once it has logged it in Peer Number. By the way, you can also observe what is happening by looking in Status > Call Status while the call is actually in progress.
Apologies in advance for this simple question: Is the number in the blocking or routing rule exactly the same as the number observed in Line Port Status > LastCallerInfo? It has been known for a space or a hyphen etc to give odd results. I would stick with this test until you are sure CallerID works correctly:
Physical Interfaces->Line Port->InboundCallRoute: {01234567890:aa},{ph}
Shows in Call History > Peer Number? Yes.
Shows in Line Port > LastCallerInfo? Yes
Caller gets? Ringing tone followed by auto attendant.
OBi phone rings? Only if caller chooses Option 1 from auto attendant menu.