I love my Obi110, but there's just one problem with it. When I have heavy Internet traffic, voice quality degrades noticeably . I have not found any way to configure the QOS rules in my DD-WRT router to give the Obi 110 the proper voice prioritization.
WIth the Obi202 now available, I could replace my OB 110. However, I am stuck trying to figure out how to use my existing DD-WRT router in conjunction with the Obi202 so that I don't have to make large scale changes to my current router or existing network topology. I have seen it suggested in this forum (but not seemingly verified) that the Obi202 could be connected directly to the cable modem in bridge mode, thus allowing the current router to continue its operations as is.
My other thought is: can the voice prioritisation rules that are built into the Obi202 be migrated to the OB 110, or are those capabilities hardwired into the 202?