You hit the nail right on the head hwittenb. All is working 100%. Here's how:Setup an extension on your CallCentric account. It's really straightforward and there's help. Note the username and password you create for this extension.
Go online to the ObiTalk Dashboard>Configure Voice Service Providers (SP) and create another CallCentric account in an unused Obi SP. Use the username and password you used when you setup the extension on CallCentric. If you made any changes to your Primary CallCentric SP settings, you should take that into account and make the appropriate changes to your new CallCentric SP. Or
just setup the new Obi SP for CallCentric however you setup your primary SP.
Once your new SP shows up as "Registered", go back to CallCentric and do one of two things:
(1) Setup a Call Treatment that redirects calls to the new extension when the called number is *whatever DID number you want to be directed to your new Obi SP*
(2) Setup Preferences>DID Forwarding to send calls from the secondary DID to the new extension.
Now all calls to the Primary CallCentric DID will come into one Obi SP, and calls to the Secondary CallCentric DID will come into a different Obi SP.
This opens lots of possibilities, the least of which was to allow me to finally get a different ring for three different DIDs I happen to have. Now I'm thinking about (when I'm not home) being able to call into one CC DID and have the Obi call out on the other SP when I want to make international calls.
As always, thanks for the help; this is a nice place.