I'm not doing anything with trunks on my 202. I would like to direct some SPs so they don't ring at all. Through OBiTALK I must select either line 1 or line 2.
I'm wondering if there's a way to send those rings to la-la land altogether. An example of why is GV. It doesn't have CID but my Anveo does. But I want to use GV for outbound calls. I can get GV to ring on the second phone port and hope Anveo beats it to line 1 so I can see the CID.
I know 1000 minutes should be plenty but I still hate to be metered. So with a two line phone I'll have line 1 ring for those I want to take and line two ring for some others. I'll just turn the ringer off on that line. But, if I could send the main GV so it doesn't ring at all that would be cool.