The more time I've had to think about this and have it "sink in", the more I understand it.
But still, a simple way to think of my argument is this:
1. If you are willing to tinker a little bit, you can keep 100% free calling using the discussed methods and change some settings and practices to adjust to the changes, and you will not really notice much difference once it's done.
2. If you are not willing to tinker, or if you have to tinker **AND** pay a few bucks a month, *** AND *** have 2-3 separate accounts for incoming/outgoing, *** AND *** have to figure the best svc providers for local calls, outgoing calls, ld calls, and calculate whether it's better to pay 1/2c per min or 2c per min, or buy 5000 mins for $10, AT THAT POINT, , it becomes a no-brainer to just go with the NetTalk for a simple 2.50/month fee and be done with it. This would also give you a real company and real customer service if you need help.
This also is true if we reach a point that the free options are not offered anymore.
Of course, #2 above assumes you are intending your phone to be a landline replacement, or expect to use it a decent amount. If it's just for occasional use, it's still better to just pay for a few minutes at a time, (provided there's no monthly service charge too).