Given up trying to search for this one guys!
I won't bore you with my set up, but long story short is that on both of my providers set up to ring to independent ports: SP1 = PH and SP2 = PH2. Simple.
Now, what I want to try and do:
When it comes to SP2 I want to try and set things to say "If I get a call come in AND if port 1 is in a "on-hook" state, it will ring both ports at the same time (PH & PH2). If not, ring PH2 only.
For any Excel geeks out there, essentially the script I am trying to write is kinda like:
=IF(Ph State="OnHook",[Ring Ph & Ph2],[Ring Ph2])
Or, if you're not Excel minded, "If Ph State is "OnHook", Then Ring Ph & Ph2, If NOT Ring Ph2"
This is because I'm in a place with 2-line telephones and, other than how it's currently set up, it get's a little annoying hearing the call-waiting beep when you're on a call AND having line 2 ring as well.
Anyways, I can't figure out how to do this. I suspected it was using the "If Busy ring Dial..." feature, but then I wondered if line 1 was really considered to be busy as, even though it's on a call, it's kinda not busy as it can call-wait and beep in your ear.
Anyways, any help and assistance is appreciated.
Thanks so much all