I've been using an obi110 on GV for a long time. I bought a obi202 when they first came out to have as a standby incase the obi110 died.
Now that GV is going away, I purchased a 2 year Voipo plan and am trying to configure the obi202 to connect to Voipo. I have not hooked up the grandstream unit they sent me.
I log into
obitalk.com and set up my sp1 by choosing the
voipo.com option. I plug in my voipo username and password. I then wait, but the service never gets out of the "service not configured" state.... ever.
I can log into my obi202 directly and see the details for sp1. I see my username and password (or the "*"'s) but I don't see anywhere *on the obi202* that mentions any
voipo.com sip gateway or
welcome.voipo.com servers (etc) or any mention of
voipo.com servers anywhere.
Does configuring
voipo.com work from
obitalk.com? It *is* listed as one of the voip providers supported by obitalk (obviously).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.