I both agree AND disagree:
Quote from: Gonzo on June 29, 2014, 05:21:07 AM
I for one, express my opinion and will move on to doing what I preach. TRASH OBI DEVICES and move to other solutions while ensuring I spread the word
I'm imagining backroom deals galore between ALL parties involved to LOCK IN their profits.
Businesses DO need profits to thrive - BUT backroom deals are just BAD NEWS.
As for trashing a perfectly usable Obi box -
no way - it works quite well with other services.
Trashing it would be both silly and wasteful.
As to buying a new Obi box ?!?Also=>
no way.
Too much
obvious manipulation for me to ever trust getting long use out of anything like that.
It would likely have '
improvements' (spelled 'r=e=s=t=r=i=c=t=i=o=n=s') limiting its usefulness and the providers it could use as well.
No thanks.I appreciate what I've had for how long I've had it.
I will not be pushed around just to help some company remain in business at my (greater ??) expense.
In short:I bought an Obi box
ONCE - that alone makes me a customer for
as long as I have it.
Buying a 2nd one for the reasons stated would just change me from '
customer' to '
stupid customer'.
No thanks.