I have an asterisk setup which I currently use with sipura 2102, I'm no asterisk expert but I mostly have it working.
I recently purchased an OBi100-UK to use in place of above device. I can configure OBi100 without problem via dashboard directly using my voip provider settings, but am unable to configure in the same way as I currently have my sipura currently set as below:
ip address of asterisk server for proxy/registrar/ i.e.
entension number for auth/username i.e. 1001
user password for password i.e. 1001abcd
this setup is currently working on my sipura without problems but I cannot get the OBi100 configured in the same way (I think as basic ata).
my question is should I be looking to configure it through dashboard or locally? I have tried both ways but am unable to get registration.
thanks in advance.