Quote from: QBZappy on August 05, 2011, 09:56:33 PM
There isn't much code, perhaps you can have a look at the VBS script and maybe you can spot why it didn't work. Thanks.
Sorry I didn't notice the question sooner. I cut and pasted your script (which was basically my script with the strURL and strPassword changed) into a test.vbs. I changed the strURL and strPassword back to my obi110 and ran the script and it worked.
If physically typing "" into a browser window reboots your device then it's probably the correct URL. Otherwise, perhaps it's a slightly different URL that is POSTed when clicking a button on the page that causes a reboot.
Otherwise, perhaps the login id "admin" needs to be changed to the login id (if not "admin) of your device in the line:
objHTTP.open "POST", strURL, False, "admin", strPassword
Or maybe you don't have Windows Scripting Host (WSH) installed. Do you get a listing of options if you go to a command line prompt and type "cscript" (without quotes of course)? I've never had to install it but perhaps I'm just lucky.
WSH can be downloaded from:
Windows XP (and probably later versions of Windows?):
http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=8247Windows 2000:
http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=20240I pretty much have stuck with Windows XP because that's what the company I work for is
still using for our desktops.
No reason I can think of why WSH wouldn't work for your device if given the correct strURL, strPassword, and login id and you have WSH installed.
If none of this works then you might try invoking your script
at a command line (and task scheduler): cscript c:\complete-path-here\script-name.vbs (c: or actual drive letter:)
and look for any errror messages.
Quote from: QBZappy on August 11, 2011, 11:42:53 AM
Decided to use a Telnet Scripting Tool a.k.a TST10.exe. Easy to setup and run under task scheduler. (Google it if you need more info).
I see you have developed a solution using a different scripting language. Feel free to post the script as an attachment. I'm at a loss because you apparently figured out the correct parameters (URL, login id, and password) to pass using the other scripting language.