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Obi202 redirect 911 to 10-digit emergency number, won't work with **1, **2, **3

Started by CoalMinerRetired, August 28, 2012, 07:55:26 PM

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I've been testing the configurations to redirect 911 to a local ten digit emergency number listed here:
and here:

For calls direct dialed from the phone on Port 1 or 2, (i.e., pick up phone, dial 911) it works as expected.

However, when I dial **1 + 911, it doesn't work. Same results with **2, and **3.  (I'm not using the 4th SIP slot).

When I dial **1 + 911, I hear a 'ring back' tone for a very small slice of time, let's say 50 to 100 ms. Then I get a fast busy that immediately cuts off the ring back sound.  Looking at the SP1 packet stats, it looks like some data packets were sent out when this occurs.

Any ideas for how to make this work with **1?


The phone ports call route needs an exact match to route the call. When you prepend to 911 you are by passing the 911 rule you have in place. Since the dialed numbers do match a rule farther down the list, it is routed to the appropriate spx and delivered as 911 exactly.

You would need to add a rule to the itsp digit maps to route the call from there.

I have a 911 rule in place for the phone port. And I have a 411 rule in place in the itsp digit map. I made the changes to my 411 rule and tested, it works as you desire.


I have an Obi202 also, and I don't see where I should insert the 911 rule.  This is my Outbound call route:



you can put it right in front if you want. I usually just put it second since that is where it started out with the Obi110.

Physical Interfaces -> Phone X -> OutboundCallRoute


when you dial just 911, the call route processes it and sends the alternate number to the designated SPX, where the alternate number is then processed by the local digit map and sent out as a 11 digit number.

This is my phone 1 outboundcallroute

In addition if you want to support the **X911 possibilities, you would add this rule to each of the ITSP Profile X General -> General -> DigitMap

This is mine for all my ITSP profiles
(<411:18003733411>|(Mste)). So it would look like this
(<911:1814xxxxxx>|<411:18003733411>|(Mste)) or without the 411 rule, (<911:1xxxxxxxxxx>|(Mste))

When dialing **2911, the {(<**2:>(Msp2)):sp2} rule, in the phone outboundcallroute, strips the **2 from the digits and sends the remainder (911) to the SP2 trunk; (where it is then processed using the local digit map for the ITSP profile that is designated for SP2) and the designated alternate number is dialed using SP2.

Remember, you can designate any of the 4 ITSP profiles for each of the SPx trunks. For example, it doesn't have to be ITSP Profile A for SP1 etc.

You can use a different alternate number for each of the 4 trunks by prepending **X to 911, because when using **X only the local digit map processes it and applies the rule, not the 911 rule in the phone port call route.

So, dialing 911 from the phone might call the emergency call center using the alternate number but dialing **3911 coould call your cell phone.


I copy/pasted that and it didn't work. OBI dashboard still says 911 not configured, and dialing 911 gives me an error message on the phone.


the dashboard is not going to show 911 as configured unless you do it with Obitalk using the settings from the accounts at the dashboard.

If you copied and pasted, did you change SPX to the correct trunk you wan to use; SP1, SP2, SP3 or SP4? Is there service on the designated trunk?
And did you replace the xxxxxxxxxx with the number you want to call when you dial 911?

With that calling rule in the digit map there is no reason it won't work.

Note, the other day when I did some pasting it only pasted the first line and not the whole thing. Make sure the full configuration gets in there.


jimates, I followed what you posted, and to experiment did it with a variation using a User Defined Digit Maps, actually two different User Defined Digit Maps.

Physical Interfaces -> Phone X -> OutboundCallRoute


My User Defined Digit Map to make this work:
User Settings > User Defined Digit Maps
User Defined Digit Map2:
Label: localA911
DigitMap: (<:1xxxxxxxxxx>)

Did the same in my three ITSP Profiles.



My User Defined Digit Map3
Label: localB911
DigitMap: (<911:1xxxxxxxxxx>)

My conclusions:
It all works together, but I observed some flakiness. Seeing that I made sure to test all combinations of 911, **1 (or 2 or 3) + 911, to make sure one route didn't break the other one.

Flakiness: Dialing 911, either directly or **X + 911 is dependent on some interdigit timing effects, and on more than a few occasions the call didn't go through (I heard the beginning of the first ring back tone, then that was immediately interrupted by a fast busy).  I experimented with an S0 after the 911, but no observable difference.

I did this mostly to see if I could make it work, and to become more familiar with things.  The good part about this is you go from having the ten-digit magic numbers configured inline in six different places to two different places (encapsulated in the right word), for ex. making it easier to change to test with a non-emergency number. I couldn't figure out a way to make it all work with one User Defined digit map, maybe that is the next session.

The other insight I arrived at is probably no one in my household is going to first dial **1 before dialing 911. So unless I can get it all to work with one user defined digit map, I'll revert to only having the direct 911 work, and the **1 will get a GV error message.

One more useful thing I learned is how the sequence in which the digit maps and outbound call routes are processed. Until you pointed it out, I had assumed a digit map is executed recursively.  That is not so. They are processed once each in this order:
1. Physical line digit map.
2. Physical line outbound call route.
3. ITSP profile digit map.
That's it. On the plus side, there are several powerful syntax command characters available that are not used in any default digit map or call route, such as S0 as a suffix. Haven't experimented with these yet. 


An update, I got all this working using one user defined digit map.

New User Defined Digit Map (My #2 UD Digit Map)
Label: local10digit911
DigitMap: "(<911S0:12159999999>)"   ---> Include everything between the "", ie., opening and closing (), and note the S0 (S Zero) after 911.

Physical Interfaces > Phone 1 Port  > Phone Port > OutBoundCallRoute:
First rule: {(Mlocal10digit911):sp1},{existing rules.... }  
For Phone 2 Port: change sp1 to sp3 (or whatever needed)

To make **1 + 911 (and **2 + 911 and **3 + 911) work:
ITSP Profile A, B & C (I'm not using D) > General > DigitMap:
Add (Mlocal10digit911)|
As in: ((Mlocal10digit911)|1xxxxxxxxxx|<1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|011xx.|xx.|(Mipd)|[^*#]@@.)

Note on "S0" Digit Timer suffix on 911 element: I'm not entirely clear this made a difference, but I suspect it does for me.  In testing I was sometimes getting random and unrepeatable "We could not complete your call" responses from GV.  I suspected this was from some timing thing, so I tried the S0 Digit timer suffix and so far haven't heard any 'could not complete' messages.

I like this method, it's clean and compact and it encapsulates the ten-digit local 911 number into one place from five or six, outside of the service or physical port digit maps and call routes. Makes it easier to change the number for testing or experimenting.


WOW thanks so much for this solution, which worked like a charm for me, after trying for most of the day to get other solutions to work. :) :) :)



I bothers me very much to see people hacking away at call routes and so on, just to get 911 or other emergency calls to work.

I have just submitted a feature request that I think would address this is a simple way. That request boils down to an addition of a table similar to the one for the 202 that the user could configure in a simple way.

Essentually, if I Dial 911 from Phone1 the call should be routed to SPx and sent as 911.

If I dial 911 from Phone2 the call should be sent out SPx and dialed as 1234-555-0911.

If the user enters a valid TO number and the SP is working, there is no question where the call is routed or what is sent. No substitutions/modifications are allowed if the number is in this table and it is obvious what the resulting number will be.

yes, if the Obi table allowed the dial number to be entered (ie 411 instead of 911) it would also make it easier to redirect certain numbers without the owner changing routing tables which can complicate or foul up reliability.
My websites: Kona Coffee: and Web Hosting:<br />A simplified Voip explanation:


Quote from: Lavarock7 on March 18, 2013, 02:05:19 PM

Essentually, if I Dial 911 from Phone1 the call should be routed to SPx and sent as 911.

If I dial 911 from Phone2 the call should be sent out SPx and dialed as 1234-555-0911.
I don't see this to match many people's needs. Doing something different when I dial 911 based on which phone I pick up seems odd. I understand that you have a reason, but your situation is unusual. Is yours a hospice situation?

Also, I would not think OBi would not be involved in encouraging average users to call something other than a certified 911 service when 911 is dialed.


and sends the remainder (911) to the SP2 trunk; (where it is then processed using the local digit map for the ITSP profile that is designated for SP2) and the designated alternate number is dialed using SP2.


Quote from: Shale on March 18, 2013, 07:07:53 PM
Quote from: Lavarock7 on March 18, 2013, 02:05:19 PM

Essentually, if I Dial 911 from Phone1 the call should be routed to SPx and sent as 911.

If I dial 911 from Phone2 the call should be sent out SPx and dialed as 1234-555-0911.
I don't see this to match many people's needs. Doing something different when I dial 911 based on which phone I pick up seems odd. I understand that you have a reason, but your situation is unusual. Is yours a hospice situation?

Also, I would not think OBi would not be involved in encouraging average users to call something other than a certified 911 service when 911 is dialed.

I used different numbers just for demonstration. The same process could be used for 411, etc.

My idea is that people should not have to hack away at dial strings and routing and then have to hope they got it right. A simple straightforward way to force  7 10 or other number seems reasonable. It also is pretty obvious from my suggestion what number would eventually be dial (without any modification) by the Obi.
My websites: Kona Coffee: and Web Hosting:<br />A simplified Voip explanation: