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wizard to re-direct numbers to different lines

Started by Jared, March 19, 2011, 04:34:58 PM

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I just setup google voice at line sp1 and my sip provider on sp2 and it was overly complicated to get my voicemail number *123 to go to the right line, get international calls to go to the right line and 911 to go to the right line. 

(911, international, voicemail to sp2)

I ended up hacking my digit map with the following:


I've kind of tested international and voicemail and I'm assuming 911 will hopefully work if I ever have to call it.

But it just seems more complicated than it needs to be for the uninitiated user... 

Would be nice if there was just a set of global mappings wizard where you could map a number to always go to a given sp line to reduce the odds of screwing up the digit map.  I think you could leave the current interface for the expert user but if I was to get my parents to try and use it, odds are I'd have to do this part for them because it isn't super obvious to someone who isn't a software engineer in their daily life :)

The product is awesome however it would be nice if the simple interface exposed a bit more (obitalk) through wizards so you'd be less likely to have to resort to the expert interface.


You should edit the call route, not the digit map. For 911 the call route will have already sent the call to the line before it gets to the digit map.
See details for 911 here


RonR is the master of dialing rules but this may work.

after editing for 911 according to # 2 in that guide, modify the 911 rule to include your other 2 rules

Setup Wizard > Outbound Settings > Phone OutboundCallRoute



Thank you for the pointers I'll give that a try a little later at least everything except maybe 911 is good now so I'm pretty happy :) 



I set my Phone OutboundCallRoute to:


And it appears that international dialing is doing what I want but the voicemail doesn't work once I get to *1 it says the number is invalid.  Haven't tested 911 but I'm assuming it is working since international did.

Do I need to change Phone DigitMap or ITSP DigitMap to get the voicemail to work?


Using * in the rules gets tricky and it is too new to me to guess how to use it correctly. I will get RonR to help.


I tried several different combinations but using * in the input returns an error every time.

I can get it to dial *123 on sp2 by using a rule like the 911 rule


With that, when I dial 711 it dials *123 out on sp2, but it uses the long timer and takes 10 seconds.


Except for 911 non-emergency number substitution or 911 alternate port usage, it's usually a bad idea to be modifying the PHONE Port OutboundCallRoute.  The PHONE Port DigitMap should also be left unmodified if at all possile.  Both work hand-in-hand with the need to stay in lock-step and modifying either one is a receipe for trouble.  Just about anything should be able to be accomplished through the localized ITSPA, ITSPB, and LINE DigitMaps which are nothing more than extensions to the PHONE Port DigitMap via indirection (Msp1, Msp2, and Mli).

I'm assuming Jared wants SP1/ITSPA (Google Voice) to be the primary line for default calling, but wants SP2/ITSPB (VoIP) to be used for international calling, voicemail checking using *123, and 911.

For international calling though SP2, no modification of the ITSPB DigitMap is necessary as it already contains a rule for international dialing [011xx.] which can be accessed using **2 + international number.  To make international calling automatically use SP2 with the primary line being SP1, it should only be necessary to modify the ITSPA DigitMap rule for international dialing [<**2>011xx.].

In order to be able to dial *123 through SP2, a new rule must be added to the ITSPB DigitMap [*123S0].  At this point, it should be posible to dial **2*123 and have it go out SP2.  To make calling *123 automatically use SP2 with the primary line being SP1, it should only be necessary to add a similar rule to the ITSPA DigitMap [<**2>*123S0].

To summarize, I think the final result would be something like (it's late here, so please don't beat me up if I've made mistakes):

PHONE Port PrimaryLine : SP1 Service

PHONE Port DigitMap : Default

PHONE Port OutboundCallRoute:

ITSPA DigitMap:

ITSPB DigitMap:

Assuming it works (big assumption at this hour), it's a relatively small number of changes.


What would be nice would be a simple form in ObiTalk that lets you specify the number to use for 911 & 411 and the line.  Mere mortals cannot figure this out and would almost always want to do this.  I modified my Outbound Call Route manually, but this should be on the web portal.  A simple alias or redirect list.


The reference to 911 already exists in the Phone DigitMap on both the Obi110 & Obi100 (no 911 rule in the OutboundCallRoute on Obi100) so adding the alternate calling for 911 is fairly easy and works great.

just a note, from my experience.

If you add an alternate number for 411 to the OutboundCallRoute without also adding the 411 reference in the Phone DigitMap you will likely experience an additional 10 second dialing delay when pressing 411.