I think I have it working like I want: in order to get my caller number to appear on outbound calls, I had to modify the outbound call route for the phone port -- not very clean, but it seems to work. I modified the **2 rule:
where 1112223333 is my phone number. I tried putting $2 after the > but it then passed the **2 with the number I dialed, so I got a 'not a valid number' error message. Per the admin guide on page 116, I think the **2 should have been removed from $2 by the rule. Also, it says not putting the target after the > implies $2, but it obviously works differently when the $2 target isn't explicitly there (it doesn't pass the **2).
For completeness sake, to recap:
my inbound call route for SP2 is {ph,SP2(5555555555)} where 5555555555 is my cell phone that I want to ring simultaneously. I removed the caller id from the
voip.ms web panel General tab so that
voip.ms would honor the 'from' number that the obi passes them. Finally, I had to enable the option X_SpoofCallerId for SP2.
Based on my interpretation of the admin guide, I really think $1 and $2 are *not* working properly.