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Unable to Configure CallCentric on SP2

Started by RJDB, December 31, 2011, 10:41:13 AM

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If turning off ALG and setting up port forwarding do not help (with or without the X_DnsSrvAutoPrefix and X_UserAgentPort changes removed), please post make/model of modem and router.


Quote from: Stewart on December 31, 2011, 07:03:27 PM
If turning off ALG and setting up port forwarding do not help (with or without the X_DnsSrvAutoPrefix and X_UserAgentPort changes removed), please post make/model of modem and router.

I am getting intermittent results (sometimes sucessfull) changing ALG, port forwarding, and X_DnsSrvAutoPrefix and X_UserAgentPort changes  (changing each separately, and in various combinations).    I will post additional results later today.

Thanks again for your support!! 


Quote from: RJDB on December 31, 2011, 01:46:59 PM
Quote from: Stewart on December 31, 2011, 12:21:57 PM
If RonR's suggestions don't help, try setting ITSP Profile B->SIP->X_DnsSrvAutoPrefix (checked), and changing Voice Services->SP2 Service->X_UserAgentPort from 5061 to 5071.

If no luck, report modem make/model?  Separate router make/model?

I tried this before Ron's port forwarding suggestion.

My (mixed) results -

SP2 Service status (initially) = Register Failed: 407 Proxy Authentication Required (server=; retry in 19s)

followed by
Register Failed: No Response From Server (server=; retrying)

followed by
Register Failed: No Response From Server (server=; retry in 16s)

It did register a couple of times, and I was able to sucessfully complete a call
Registered (server=; expire in 38s) and
Registered (server=; expire in 59s) - but then began to fail again after the registration expired.

I will try Ron's port forwarding later, and post my results.

These results were from the ITSP Profile B->SIP->X_DnsSrvAutoPrefix (checked), and changing Voice Services->SP2 Service->X_UserAgentPort from 5061 to 5071 changes.

Notice port 5080 in the server.  If my router firewall is not passing certain ports, port 5080 may be one of them.  Without understanding the ITSP Profile B->SIP->X_DnsSrvAutoPrefix (checked) change, I don't understand why the service was registered using 5080.


Callcentric (like may SIP providers) has a DNS SRV record under .  The auto-prefix option tells the OBi to add the _sip._udp. to the domain name before looking it up.  In the case of CC, the record specifies that the client connect to port 5080, which is of course different from the SIP default of 5060.

For most consumer routers, connecting to 5080 is a good thing, because arbitrary outbound ports are open (by default), yet avoiding 5060 means that we bypass any ALG listening there; ALGs in consumer devices generally cause far more problems than they fix.

In your case, the firewall by default (or with your choice of settings) may be more restrictive, and that's causing the registration to fail.

You have had more trouble with this issue than 99% of users.  To understand what's going on, please post make/model/version of your router (and modem, too), along with any special settings you use, and any other VoIP devices or apps on your network (that e.g. might be using the same ports).


Update -

I finally figured it out.   Outdated router firmware.

I am running a DIR-825, Rev B1 hardware.   The firwmware was 2.02NA, dated June 4 2009.    The current version posted on D-Link's website is 2.06NA, dated August 2011.

According to D-Link's release history, Version 2.03NA, dated April 27, 2010 included the following changes:
Revision Info:
¤ Supports Ipv6 spec v1.08.
¤ Fixed: IPv6 6in4 issue.
¤ Fixed: DHCP Reservation misspelling issue.
¤ Fixed: WPS Push and Pin issue.
¤ Supports 12/24 time format function.
¤ Fixed: PPPoE re-connect issue.
¤ Fixed: BT issue.
¤ Supports SIP LAN to LAN.

D-Link mandates bringing the router up to 2.05NA prior to updating to 2.06NA.   After updating to 2.05NA all my problems disappeared.    Running default OBI config on SP2; on the router - ALG enabled, no port forwarding.    Now that it seems stable, I am going to run with the 2.05NA firmware for awhile before I update to 2.06NA.

Life is good...

Thanks again for all your support!!!