Good evening.
Okay, ever since I was forced to setup my OBi110 through OBiTalk using the web portal device configuration in June, I'm having an ongoing problem where incoming calls intermittently ring my telephone connected to the OBi110.
I was not having this problem prior to being forced to setup my OBi110 using the OBiTalk web portal. Incoming calls will partially ring the telephone. It's very strange — as if there isn't enough power or something to ring the telephone fully.
Since being forced to setup my OBi110 through the OBiTalk web portal, I lost a whole bunch of custom settings I had including dial plans, etc. I cannot recall if I ever made a custom setting to fix this incomplete ringing problem.
So, instead of ringggggggggg/pause/ringggggggggg/pause/ringggggggggg/etc., I get ring/pause/ring/ring/pause/etc. (there's no discernable pattern to the incomplete rings.)
Any thoughts?
Thank you,