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Restore from Backup doesn't work, Obi202

Started by CoalMinerRetired, September 09, 2012, 01:19:11 PM

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I saw the Restore not work on on older version of the firmware a few weeks ago. I now tried it again on the latest firmware, and it simply doesn't work. I get no error messages at all, after the reboot everything is still at the factory default settings.

This is to ask for a second opinion here, can someone confirm this, please?

Make a backup, using settings: Include Running Status, Default Values and Use OBI version. Backup saves successfully to a file.

Reset Obi202 to factory default settings.

Get the IP address, enable WAN access, change from default password, etc. 

Do Restore. Point to correct file (I've even tried copying the file to C:\ to eliminate too-long path names, etc.) I get the message, rebooting, wait 60 seconds. Upon reboot I have no settings changes from the factory default. Password and WAN access etc still persist.

I have ObiTalk provisioning disabled, in case that matters. 

Is this a huge software bug, or operator error?


Let me ask this a different way. Has anyone successfully used the Restore function recently on an Obi202?


I would find hearing a successful restore of interest too.

I would like to hear from somebody who successfully restored after a factory reset either locally or using ObiTalk.


Quote from: Shale on February 11, 2013, 08:54:00 AM
I would find hearing a successful restore of interest too.

I would like to hear from somebody who successfully restored after a factory reset either locally or using ObiTalk.

It's a given that it does not work via the ObiTalk portal. More details if you search on here.

My original point was inquiring whether it works for anyone via Browser/IP Address access mode,


If you save the default values, then you will restore to default values, not the ones you entered to get the system working.
Do not use ANY options to Restore to working configuration.


Quote from: zapattack on February 17, 2013, 12:01:09 AM
If you save the default values, then you will restore to default values, not the ones you entered to get the system working.
Do not use ANY options to Restore to working configuration.
Interesting. I'll be interested how you learned that? 

I'm tempted to try it, but may wait a while, I've manually reentered all my settings one too many times recently to risk doing it again very soon.


Trial and Error?
The Obi Version is a  Terse version of the XML file, which is  basically a compact version for distribution purposes. No parameter names are shown.
Default shows both actual and default values and current status is obvious (probably for troubleshooting).
Some items are not saved for security reasons, such as passwords, so you may have to re-enter a certain amount of information with a restore. I mistakenly suggested ALL information went back to default.