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My Obi200 isn't powering anymore...

Started by DiGG, November 16, 2015, 11:36:36 AM

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Been roughly 3 months I've been using the Obi200, and it's been perfect.  Saturday it was working as it should, and last sunday I received an email for my voicemail account... but I never heard the phone ring.  I look at my phone and it says "NO LINE", look at my Obi200 and it's off.  As I remembered there were no on/off switch, so I picked it up, unplugged and replugged it, it stays off.

So now I don't know what to do!  I wasn't expecting such device to "die" so quickly.  Anyone at OBIHAI (or here) knows what I'm supposed to do?



The obvious is to be sure that the outlet is "hot" the next thing is if you have another power supply with the same specs and plug arrangement to try that. A power supply of those specs can be had very inexpensively look on Amazon or E-bay.

Good Luck!


I tried on a standalone outlet, then another one, and its looks pretty much "dead" to me.


Could be the power supply or the Obi
Perhaps you have a 12V 1amp power supply laying around with the correct polarity to test that part of the equation.


Quote from: DiGG on November 16, 2015, 11:36:36 AM
Been roughly 3 months I've been using the Obi200, and it's been perfect.  Saturday it was working as it should, and last sunday I received an email for my voicemail account... but I never heard the phone ring.  I look at my phone and it says "NO LINE", look at my Obi200 and it's off.  As I remembered there were no on/off switch, so I picked it up, unplugged and replugged it, it stays off.

So now I don't know what to do!  I wasn't expecting such device to "die" so quickly.  Anyone at OBIHAI (or here) knows what I'm supposed to do?


Why don't you contact Obihai support? Since you stated it has been roughly 3 months--I'm assuming it is still within the 1 year warranty period. You should be able to get a replacement after opening a return and mailing the device back.'re going to be ticked off and just let Obihai have your angry comments for allowing this possible defect that will really be inconvenient for you...go it towards them through support. It does no good to direct frustrations towards the forum (in the event you are tempted to).


Had I not been on the road when this post came in, I would have posted a one-line reply:

Open a warranty service ticket!


I'm no way angry, I got another phone to be joined at... I was barely asking where to get help.   ;D

I contacted support through email, they made me try another power supply, and it looks like its going in the direction of a replacement.  If it has to come to this, so be it.  I do wish to have a working one again soon hehe!


Quote from: SteveInWA on November 16, 2015, 02:26:46 PM
Had I not been on the road when this post came in, I would have posted a one-line reply:

Open a warranty service ticket!

+1. If you've only had it for 3 mos it's still under warranty.


Well now support isn't supporting anymore (stopped replying to my email).  Need to go at it another way!


This is ridiculous.  Did you purchase the device new, from an authorized seller like Amazon, Fry's, or Newegg, within the past 12 months?  If so, it's under warranty, and you should just get a RMA and return it.

If it was obtained some other way, then throw it out and buy a new one.


Quote from: DiGG on November 17, 2015, 03:13:18 PM
Well now support isn't supporting anymore (stopped replying to my email).  Need to go at it another way!

Whether we like it or not, there are only so much support that a small company selling $70 devices can provide. I don't like it but I can accept it. Expect that Obihai will take a day or two to respond to your e-mails.

If you can't wait, you can try their support phone number: 408.634.5904

There's a chance they will take a day to call you back, etc.

When a device sells, most businesses have to factor in the cost of estimated support. My guess is that Obihai...selling these devices at pretty low prices, didn't factor in that part as when it comes to support, it appears to be undermanned for a lack of resources in that department.

If you're tempted to get angry anytime soon...aim it at the company and not this forum...who are just volunteers. It you get frustrated and want to's best that you vent elsewhere as none of us are getting paid as therapists. But if you need one...I recommend (Dr.) Steve...he won't waste time getting to the point...and best of all, it's free.


I bought it through Amazon.   ;D  Again, there isn't even a tiny bit of angriness inside me (well for now), and I never had to RMA stuff before, so I'm a REAL complete noob, hence me coming to a forum, where hopefully they help noobs like me orient their way to the proper end.

So I go throught Amazon, or through Obihai?  (yes, the device is new, and I started using it on august 6, so its a tad more than 3 months, so I guess it is under warranty)  Also note, althought my (written) english looks good, I'm a french-Canadian from Québec-Canada, and I try real hard not to have to talk in english, as I have a strong french accent hehe.  So I'm trying to deal with this through writting/forums/emails.

Don't dispear over me just yet, but I hope I'll be done bothering you soon.   ;)


Quote from: DiGG on November 17, 2015, 07:18:59 PM
I bought it through Amazon.   ;D  Again, there isn't even a tiny bit of angriness inside me (well for now), and I never had to RMA stuff before, so I'm a REAL complete noob, hence me coming to a forum, where hopefully they help noobs like me orient their way to the proper end.

So I go throught Amazon, or through Obihai?  (yes, the device is new, and I started using it on august 6, so its a tad more than 3 months, so I guess it is under warranty)  Also note, althought my (written) english looks good, I'm a french-Canadian from Québec-Canada, and I try real hard not to have to talk in english, as I have a strong french accent hehe.  So I'm trying to deal with this through writting/forums/emails.

Don't dispear over me just yet, but I hope I'll be done bothering you soon.   ;)

I didn't detect any anger, and we welcome noobs. 

It's just that your problem is so straight-forward:  you have a defective product.  I assume that you followed Obihai's directions to open a support ticket, and they will usually respond to those in a day or two.  If you can't get a satisfactory response from them, then simply use Amazon's return procedure to send it back and exchange it for another one.

There are no other options, since it is basically a "black box" with no user-repairable parts inside.  You are certainly entitled to a new one, either from Obihai directly, or from Amazon.


I understand that it may be difficult to communicate with a US company, if English isn't your first language; I certainly can't speak French, and Americans must be the laziest country on earth when it comes to learning another language.  Now, please just tell us whether or not you went to this page, and filled in the information and sent in a request for support?

If you did submit that form, when did you do it, yesterday?  Did you receive a response?  If so, what, exactly, did it say?


Went to that page and filled in the information...  Waiting for a/the reply.   :)