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Using CSipSimple With OBi – Direct Calling Method - Version 1

Started by ianobi, June 28, 2013, 07:31:50 AM

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I've had another look at this as my setup has changed. I have recently moved home, changed ISP changed router etc and found I was having problems using this direct calling method. The solution was to enable STUN in CSipSimple:

CSipSimple > Settings > Network > Enable STUN: checked

The problem was caused by the wifi hotspot using its private ip address as its SIP contact. STUN corrects the problem and allows the OBi to use the wifi hotspot's public ip address.

This Version 1 direct calling method is useful if you have no spare spX. However, if you have a spare spX you may wish to try Version 2:



Sorry for bumping an old thread, I just got an obi recently.

I tried this but never managed to make the call from CSIPSimple (on android) to my obi200. The other direction works since I make CSIPSimple ring upon incoming call from SP1.

minix-x8 is the (local) dns name for the android box where CSIPSimple run.
My SP1's inboundroute: {ph,sp4(tv@minix-x8:5555)}

My SP3 inbound route: {(xx.):sp1}, {ph}
In CSIPSimple I set the proxy to sip:minix-x8:5062 (5062, afaik, is the useragent port of my SP3).

But I keep getting 404 Not found when dial out from csipsimple.

Any idea ne1? Ian?


This is the 404 / Not Found from syslog:

obi200: RxFrom:c0a80112:5555
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP minix-x8:5555;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjktLdeZSbXAKJ6Yoc8eEjhKhimrnLQ1..
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "Rodeo TV" <sip:tv@obi200>;tag=-yn-BZrPlKuVS.Gx06rYHj73X-BI8i7c
To: <sip:~THE_DIALED_NUMBER~@obi200>
Contact: "Rodeo TV" <sip:tv@minix-x8:5555;ob>
Call-ID: D8o19RHYthE6kDHHBX59ccy.u4Qw7Nu5
CSeq: 26808 INVITE
Route: <sip:obi200:5062;lr>
Supported: replaces, 100rel, timer, norefersub
Session-Expires: 1800
Min-SE: 90
User-Agent: CSipSimple_NEO-X8-19/r2457
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length:   340

o=- 3660846484 3660846484 IN IP4 minix-x8
c=IN IP4 minix-x8
t=0 0
m=audio 4000 RTP/AVP 99 0 8 101
c=IN IP4 minix-x8
a=rtcp:4001 IN IP4 minix-x8
a=rtpmap:99 SILK/24000
a=fmtp:99 useinbandfec=0
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-16

obi200: sendto c0a80112:5555(325)
obi200 SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
Call-ID: D8o19RHYthE6kDHHBX59ccy.u4Qw7Nu5
CSeq: 26808 INVITE
Content-Length: 0
From: "Rodeo TV" <sip:tv@obi200>;tag=-yn-BZrPlKuVS.Gx06rYHj73X-BI8i7c
To: <sip:~THE_DIALED_NUMBER~@obi200>
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP minix-x8:5555;branch=z9hG4bKPjktLdeZSbXAKJ6Yoc8eEjhKhimrnLQ1..;received=minix-x8;rport=5555
obi200: RxFrom:c0a80112:5555
ACK sip: ~THE_DIALED_NUMBER~@obi200 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP minix-x8:5555;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPjktLdeZSbXAKJ6Yoc8eEjhKhimrnLQ1..
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "Rodeo TV" <sip:tv@obi200>;tag=-yn-BZrPlKuVS.Gx06rYHj73X-BI8i7c
To: <sip:~THE_DIALED_NUMBER~@obi200>
Call-ID: D8o19RHYthE6kDHHBX59ccy.u4Qw7Nu5
CSeq: 26808 ACK
Route: <sip:obi200:5062;lr>
Content-Length:  0


QuoteMy SP3 inbound route: {(xx.):sp1}, {ph}

Try this:
Voice Services > SP3 Service > X_InboundCallRoute:

(xx.) is the callee. If callee is used without caller, then you need the ">".

If this does not work, then try using simply {ph} - incoming calls will all at least ring the phone just to prove the call is getting to your OBi200.

If my suggestion does work, then for security I suggest using:
Voice Services > SP3 Service > X_InboundCallRoute:

I'm assuming that your CSipSimple Account id is something like:
Rodeo TV<sip:tv@>

tv is the CallerID portion. To be more secure I would use something like an eight digit random number, for example:
Rodeo TV<sip:16492641@>

Then the incoming route would be:
Voice Services > SP3 Service > X_InboundCallRoute:

With this sort of "through dialling" or "single-stage" dialling, it's worth thinking about security as the "Oleg Method" cannot be used.

Anyhow, try the simple examples first before making it more complicated.


Thank you so much Ian. My OBI just some how doesn't like alpha caller-id. I use 11-digit caller-id and it works beautifully. Now my flat screen is a giant caller-id display with photo and I can make call with my... remote control (it has audio and mic).

Free second line using... the TV. Who need an obi202?




QuoteNow my flat screen is a giant caller-id display with photo and I can make call with my... remote control (it has audio and mic).

Free second line using... the TV. Who need an obi202?

CallerId displaying on a TV has been done before, but I think you may be the first to be using the TV and its remote as an additional OBi handset! Just goes to show how much flexibility there is with voip and a big helping of imagination   :)


Many devices (old smartphone, tablet, etc.) can be used as an extra handset with the obi200. What are the real advantages of the obi202? its router sux anyway.


That's too big a question for this thread! My home voip is based on two OBi110s and one OBi1032. Using my home router wifi, I connect an old LG cell phone and various PC / laptop softphones into the same network. Therefore, I don't have any direct experience of the OBi202. I guess there's some possible advantage to having two physical phone ports - might be useful for connecting a fax machine or separate wired phone system.