The important point here is that all existing Google Voice XMPP connections through Asterisk, pygooglevoice, 3CX, OBi 100-series devices, and the Simonics SIP/GV gateway will fail beginning June 18. In its place, we get a new (proprietary) monopoly courtesy of Google and Obihai/Polycom. Can this change? Of course. What are the chances? Not likely. They're already rolling it out to OBi hardware. And, if you happen to be one of the millions of Asterisk users that has depended upon Google Voice for communications, too bad for you. In fact, when we posted a comment in the above-referenced thread on the Google Voice forum warning of the upheaval this would cause in the VoIP community, the comment was removed. So much for transparency and standards compliance. A SIP FQDN that begins with a corporate name is not a good sign. In fact, it's the antithesis of open and standards-compliant.