I was able to get Caller name pass using
Voip.MS service provider, by enabling X_SpoofCallerID under
Voice Services->SP1 or 2 Service.
Using GV to forward call, I get the GV CID number as the Caller ID. The ability to send the CID name or number might be a SP related issue.
Voip.MS passed the calling party Caller Name with the CID number I setup in my account with them, so I get both calling party Caller Name and my own configurable CID number on the call. I set it up this way: {ph,SPx(1514577XXXX)}
This is the CDR of
Date CallerID Destination Description
3/29/2011 16:32 "PIQXXX J" '514324XXXX' 514316XXXX Inbound DID
3/29/2011 16:32 "PIQXXX J" '514232XXXX' 1514577XXXX Canada - 514 Quebec
Caller calling = 514232XXXX
CF number = 1514577XXXX
CID of calling party = 514324XXXX
Voip.MS =514316XXXX
Summary: This is what showed on the phone as CID
Caller Name = PIQXXX J
Caller ID number = 514232XXXX <---This is a number I configured in the
Voip.MS config to show as the CID number. It is the number people call me on. I did not want people to see a number that they did not recognize. It over rides the
Voip.MS DID number of 514316XXXX, which is actual number making the call. I know it is a bit confusing.
Simultaneous ring actually starts ringing after the second ring. Phone attached to OBi rings first, then all the phones ring on the second ring. This feature might be used to ring the phone at the office and another one in the home. Similar to the Wizard on the OBi portal.